There have been a couple violations of the market link rule in this thread. For future posts, remember that market/shop links are not permitted in the forums except in your signature. If you have items in your shop, do not post them on the forum. Inversely, if you have items for sale on the forums, removed them from your shop. This will avoid any conflict if someone sends TC for a sale on the forums, but someone else bought the item in your shop.

Any future postings of market/shop links in this thread will be given infraction points instead of warnings.

Thanks for your time... carry on.
Qs Blood for 12k

How about 9k for it?
Dude i have an acid relax and blood. 6k?

Amethyst relax, 3k?

I can buy all these 3 items(acid relax, acid blood, Amethyst relax) for 6k. deal?

acid DQ 950?

I can buy it for 200tc's

to view my shop just click no market links, thanks
i have Gladiator, Helio, Sphinx, and afew other stuff.

P.S. - if you want a gold DQ ring click my auction in my thread.

edit i ment a gold timer not DQ ring.

Pls say your price first.
Acid Force, 5k

How about 4300tc's?
MNR its me jmannn
wanna buy vampire force for 5.5k?
or tyrian relax for 3.5k

vampire force 2600tc's and 3000tc's?
MNR, 10k and its a deal.

ok, 10k sent.