Christmas Lottery
150k for flame that flows down (left hand)
Master Belt
[00:17] Ishi is now known as japanese_boat [00:17] <SHARK> OH HELL NO
Do you know if applying a certain color texture would makethe hadouken flame green? I know that the color can be changed, but I don't understand just how exactly, and if it is doable, then Im probably gonna buy them.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]

I don't have inferno flames.

I don't sell the flames separately.

I don't want to trade for items I already have.

I DO want TC and items I don't have

P.S. I also take USD for flames. Get on IRC and /msg Faolan for details
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