I have added an Azurite Relax to the list.

Good stuff here. As long as its close to the Market Price the deals are up to you.
Shop (Óc¸Ó ) PM me if you want to buy TC
The items will be returning to my shop for purchase at my specified price if there is no interest in making offers within 24 hours.

Get the items at your prices while you can.
Shop (Óc¸Ó ) PM me if you want to buy TC
I would like you to offer a reasonable and manageable price for you. Is 8K doable, though?
Shop (Óc¸Ó ) PM me if you want to buy TC
can you do 2500 and the supernova emote? send the tc and item if you accept that deal and I will get velvet emote to you.
Shop (Óc¸Ó ) PM me if you want to buy TC