Christmas Lottery
i cant kickflip, i used to do it with sex change but forgot how i guess, i got most of the shuv its down, im trying to learn to freestyle tho, so been working on alot of manuals and reverts and such.. i cant do stairs but i can do high ledges :/
I used to skate more often, broke my left kneecap two summers ago, and I quit for a while. I recently started back up, now that summer is approaching, but I'm god awful now.
Originally Posted by KiTFoX View Post
I used to skate more often, broke my left kneecap two summers ago, and I quit for a while. I recently started back up, now that summer is approaching, but I'm god awful now.

Your god awful any way.

BTW, i skate, if anyone can tell me how i can put film on a computer, ill get some videos up

Best tricks:
Switch frontside flip
Nollie tre
Nollie bigflip
I used to skate religiously about 3 years ago. I recently started again, like Kit, and I'm ALSO god awful now, like Kit. I really only do one thing in my skating, which is slaughter manual pads (pallets, etc) rather than break multiple bones jumping down stairsets, I do fun and/or tricky stuff. :3
I actually made a 180 gap in my driveway with 3 pallets and a few bits of ply. It has to be a 180 gap cos there's a big ole strip of grass in my driveway. It sucks.
I'll be attacking my new pallets I got from the dump when I finish my cruise, which is in 3 days.
Originally Posted by haXu View Post
yayy ! i skate ! i can land kickflip and almost varial kickflip

that reminds me! i let my friend use my board for the past few weeks and he didnt skate b4, all of a sudden he starts busting heels kicks and varials up on me in a game of skate.. i was like lolwtf man you just got a little better then me -.-
haha, thats happend to me. I use to kill mark then one day hes just like fuck you tom, and rapes xD its chill though

I found skating looser, helps you with tricks more, but its hard to get down