Secret Santa 2024
I'd go home and create a thread in the toribash forums of what I should do/you would do.

Well nah, I'd probably just stay away or something.
if there was a way for me to sneak in undetected then i would get in close and knock him out

Edit:but if there's more than one person than forget it
Depends on how big the hostage-taker is, if it's just one, and what kind of weapon he/she has. Unarmed and picking on some midget, threatening to choke them or whatever, I'd take their ass out. Preferably not with hand to hand combat, y'know, more like, oh, a chair thrown to the head. (It's good if you can fight head-on, but if you can avoid it, all the better.) Guy with a knife, mmm, maybe. Depends on his size. If he's bigger than me, I might be able to delay him, but I'd probably get slashed at least once or twice, which is all you need to bleed out o_o Smaller than me and I'd break his arm(s). Person with a gun... again... maybe. Probably not. If I could get in stealthily and knock his ass out, yeah.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Maybe it depends on if its a family member,if so I know you wld help em,right? But if its another person you dont know id probly just get a look at its face and tell someone.
º7th Dan Black Beltº
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(゚、 。 7
 l、 ~ヽ(
 じしf_ )ノ

Here's my 7 step plan, if there's one guy
1: Find a rock
2: Find an empty bottle of some kind, glass.
3: throw rock at window
4: throw bottle at his face
5: hope it hits so he's dazed (Bottles are hard, they don't break in one through on pavemnet. So face won't break it.)
7: Run like a fatty and there's a Twinkie waiting for ya.

If there's more than one:
1: Fine a rock
2: Fine a beer bottle, with beer left in it.
3: Get come sloth, ripping off a piece of clothes of yours works.
4: Lighter. Get one.
5: Put cloth in bottle
6: Light cloth on fire.
7: Rock at window
8: Bottle into house
9: hope to jesus the bottle breaks.
10: If the bottle does not break ask the goons to smash it off the floor at their feet.
11: Tell teh hostage to run for dey life.

Very simple.
Beer isn't flamable.... Plan fails.

I would run, I would gladly let someone I didn't know die. Plus I'd be in hurry to get to the shop more than likely.
Originally Posted by Peter1212 View Post
Ring his doorbell then hide in the bushes.

^ agreed

I would probably run away, most likely attempting so save someone I don't know would be a waste of time.
master of the universe