Originally Posted by Ragdollmaster View Post
Depends on how big the hostage-taker is, if it's just one, and what kind of weapon he/she has. Unarmed and picking on some midget, threatening to choke them or whatever, I'd take their ass out. Preferably not with hand to hand combat, y'know, more like, oh, a chair thrown to the head. (It's good if you can fight head-on, but if you can avoid it, all the better.) Guy with a knife, mmm, maybe. Depends on his size. If he's bigger than me, I might be able to delay him, but I'd probably get slashed at least once or twice, which is all you need to bleed out o_o Smaller than me and I'd break his arm(s). Person with a gun... again... maybe. Probably not. If I could get in stealthily and knock his ass out, yeah.

What he said.
I would charge in and demand a cookie
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
I would hang a shit in a bag, light it on fire then ring the doorbell and run off into area 51
You clearly doubt the fathoms of fuck I do not give.
sorry i didnt really explain much there well ok its one guy. he has a desert eagle. its an abondoned office laods of ways in. when you go in you see a baseball bat left by a kid
if it seemed possible to get away with it, id knock the guy unconscious with the bat and then beat him to high heaven, shoot the hostage with the desert eagle(making sure that i use his finger to pull the trigger to avoid any fingerprint connections), take all their money and stash it somewhere so i can come back and get it later, wait for the cops to show up, and say i was trying to protect the hostage, he got shot, and the gunman turned on me so i had to beat him down out of self defense. if it didnt seem possible i would wait around just out of sight and see if they accidentally drop anything valuable.
(edit) for those of you who think this is a little cold blooded, here's my reasoning: the hostage was going to die anyways, so i didnt hurt him any, the killer is now out of commision, so there's no threat of another killing, and i get a bit of cash on the side as well XD.
Last edited by Shmibs; May 25, 2009 at 09:49 PM.
u mad tho :)
am I the only one wondering why someone keeps another person hotage in the middle of nowhere? there are no cops, so the hostaging won't be very useful, or it just happened a second ago, but then, what was the person doing there ( besides getting hostagefied)? and why is the dude standing in front of a window? when you take someone hostage, you want money, and you need attention to getr that. so then why does he stand there?
Well, I would just go away, I like my life.
Originally Posted by Warcry View Post
Leave them alone, what the hell are you gonna do about it anyway? If the dude has a gun, it's in the middle of nowhere and he's about to blow someone away, you'd be a witness to a murder and he's like;y to come after YOU.
So, I'd just get the fuck out of there. At high speed.

^ The person has a gun and you have a bat
you'd have to super awesome crazy karate person to dodge bullets..
Last edited by GloomyBear; May 26, 2009 at 05:39 PM.
If it was only one or two guys, depending on their size, I'd do my best to help. I mean, odds are the hostage(s) are not tied up. If you can atleast get one, the hostage can get the other. I'm not sure how many of you have been formally taught how to disarm someone, but I have. inb4 loljasonbourne
the crazy way the law works in coutnries is that if you did somebody damage without them dying and you getting caught they could sue(cant spell that for shit^^)you for assault with a deadly weapon so fuck that, let them die.but then i suppose on the other hand, what if it was you who was the hostage, you would want somebody to come save you wouldn't you, so it works both ways around.
To hell with being a hero, the man has a gun. Even more, I don't know the people in the house, why do I care about them? I would get out.