Christmas Lottery
View Poll Results: Diman1995 member or not?
3 Votes / 75.00%
1 Votes / 25.00%
Voters: 4. You may not vote on this poll
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Hmmm since im out of days i have another place to make the movie but it will take longer times since i lack of time and replay
now i will surf the replay thread :3 o_O
Got Cra..i mean uh...Cranberries?
my vote is yes becuse i played against some of decap clan member and they're so good =P (but they never decapped me xD)
Long gone
Ok, sorry. I have had enough. This clan video isn't going forward I have given it thought and I'm not happy that only some members are included. You can carry it on if you want, but do it through PMs and I don't want it to be a Hybrid clan movie.

I will sort out a clan video really soon, I may even hire someone to do it.
My vote is no. I take matters like this more seriously than alot of clans we don't just allie with anyone and everyone.