Original Post
I'll be inactive the next couple of days, final exams and such. See you in a bit.
<Tapion> Salmon is nice fish
I won't be completely inactive, but I sure won't be on as much this weekend. Final exams and such.

So, it makes two of us. Good luck, Sprooj!
Well why do you guys have to learn like that at exams ?
I got an 5 at math
And 8 at romanian ;) so yeah..

Centuries Of Damn
8? Well, that's impossible here.

Anyway, you will (probably) realize how important school is later. Finding this, you also want good grades. And things get harder the older you are.
So are you two (Sprooj and Aslask) finishing high school or university?
Cause at my school (and at most uni's) we only get graded from 1-7.
Dunno. I'm finishing the tenth grade. The system in Norway is this:

(You get marks after 8th grade.)

1-4: Barneskole (Children school).
5-7: Mellomtrinn (Middle stage).
8-10: Ungdomsskole (Youth stage).
10-12/13: Videregående. You can quit after ungdomsskolen, actually, but you won't get work. If you're going the academic path, you're going a 3-year run at videregående. If you're becoming a carpenter or any practical profession, you go two years there and two years in apprenticeship.

I'm going academic, so university for me after videregående. That's about how the system is. Tapion can comfirm it.
Ehm... I would put the system a bit different. And I'll use other words.
I would rather say:
1-7: What english-men call primary school. (Barneskole in Norwegian)
8-10: Secondary school. (Ungdomsskole in Norwegian)
11-13(1.gym-3.gym): Upper secondary school, or High school. (Videregående in Norwegian).
You can drop out before Highschool if you want.

That's how I would put it, but I agree with Aslask's model as well.
Last edited by Tapion; Jun 3, 2009 at 03:22 PM.
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