Some douche named Hxcbbqimo bet me that I couldn't get into Sheep, even for a day, 'cause I was a noob. That's true, but I know you guys will spite him and let me into Sheep anyway. Let me in the clan for a day or longer so I can collect my bet money and split it with you.
Name: My name is AmbrosiA
Belt: i am a black belt
Time Played: 30-45 hours
Why I want to join [Sheep]: i think that you have some awesome members, also , i would like to be respected, and i think there are some very respectable ppl in ur clan
About: Hello, i live in australia, victoria i am currently 14, i get good marks for most of my subjects (not counting sports XD) my favourite mod would have to be twinswords, my best friends is Houdini2 houdini3 reethic lord ethic, watever name u wish to call him... i am very proud of the fact he called me 'master' wen he obviously is the better player. i appreciate skill, and that is another reason y i wish to join, i can see alot of skill in ur clan. i also like to read alot
i talk with my friends alot and i would really appreciate being let into this FAB clan XD
yours sincerly AmbrosiA