Secret Santa 2024
View Poll Results: Do you like me and want me to stay?
Yeah stay ur cool!
3 Votes / 50.00%
We love u!
3 Votes / 50.00%
Fag get out
0 Votes / 0%
Dont care about you leave
0 Votes / 0%
Voters: 6. You may not vote on this poll
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It's great to know someone is there to take Pik's job while his absense. Great job Kaos

I was wondering though, when I first joined ICOF (January something) was I promoted straight from RCT to CSM because of what I contributed during the dark age?
Last edited by Lempika; Jun 17, 2009 at 09:26 AM.
Favorite Genre:
Techno (and all sub genres)

Favorite Bands/Artist:
System Of A Down
K-25 (my cousin)

Favorite Songs:
Cigaro - System Of A Down
Riverside - Sidney Samson
DotA - Basshunter
The Mission - K-25 (
|Co-Founder of iCoF|Now Using a New Account ToxWolf|
Ahh I love DotA. There's an english version by Basshunter of DotA. Though it's nothing to do with Dawn of the Ancients. It's called All I ever wanted.
Mostly yes, you were advanced due to the fact that you were trying to keep everything together, and showing you had the skills we needed for the job. You were one of the most active at the time, and most of the clan already knew you.. I think we made the right choice, no?
MaStErKaOs: Co-Founder, former leader and proud member of [iCoF]
Give me freedom or give me death
Yeah I was talking to him just before, and it went a bit like this:

Me: Oh hey Lee,
Him: Hi
Me:Why'd you leave MM? I'm the guy who tested you for ICOF by the way.
Him: ?
Me: ICOF, the clan you wanted to join. Remember?
Him: I joined PwR now.
Me: Yeah I realised, I was just wondering why you left MM
Him: ?
Me: MM. The clan you joined.
Him: MM[PwR]Leedrag?
Me: The clan. Remember? MovieMakers?

And he didn't reply.
I'll send this thread over to OfIllusion.. For now. DENIED. next?
MaStErKaOs: Co-Founder, former leader and proud member of [iCoF]
Give me freedom or give me death
Heya guys! It seems my desktop is having some issues. I currently have it in to a tech, and am running on a borrowed laptop for the moment. This means a few things:
1. Ranks are gonna take a lil longer as the file is on my Desktop
2. Kaos inc. is closed 'till I get it back to full power
3. I'm STILL here ;)

The techs say I should have it back by the 20th, so lets hope this is just a lil hiccup in progress.. hasta!
MaStErKaOs: Co-Founder, former leader and proud member of [iCoF]
Give me freedom or give me death