Christmas Lottery
KoKaiN3, you probably haven't heard of me.
[21:47]<B0sS>Alphonse: FUCK YOU AND YOUR SIG
[21:48]=-=Alphonse was booted from #clandoxa by YOU (B0sS)

Also wth do you think you are, kickin Jessica Alba.
You must be utter nuts!
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.

How did I know that'll happen. Change of avvy? I got 6 foxes.
[21:47]<B0sS>Alphonse: FUCK YOU AND YOUR SIG
[21:48]=-=Alphonse was booted from #clandoxa by YOU (B0sS)
^what he said.

plus, where the hell is kokain3? stop invading our forums with senseless shit you asshole.
you're ruining my fox thread.
haha i was mean