Original Post
DAT clan server?
Seriosly it looks like everyother clan has one (even kick) can we please get a tori server.
hmm...I remember there used to be a clan DAT server in the list there.....I wonder what happened
Originally Posted by Frunk View Post
can we please get a tori server.

I've got a server. You could think of it as the [DAT] server. Its
lol, haven't added yet to my list.
Does the mod chenges everey week or
montly or not?
Maybe I'll go check it out cause its got to be good for the DAT members ;)
Otherwise there won't be happening much inthere.

Ow another thing do you guys also play classic?
and can the server be used for non-rge players aswell so If they want to join
the DAT-team then we can fight them overthere so you don't need to wait untill your standing right in front off it.

cya later
lemme think about this...*ponders the event* seeing is that i'm uselly on the server,mod will change whenever you feel like it to, that being every week ur so
Last edited by Eureka; Oct 5, 2007 at 04:53 PM.
yay, gotta admit Jepoy I wasn't sure about you being leader but you know how to get things done, let me know if theirs anything I can do to help the clan.
Wow, what a bump, anyways ok, i never really cared about the server numbers though but ok o_o
Originally Posted by ?
is it a bird? is it a plane? no.... its loloholic

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