Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Human like head request 50k - 100k
*request change lack of people*

so I want just head

style should be:
-real looking (or something like that)
-human like cmon!

Basicly I just want human head!

color should be:
black/little bit green (like eye color etc) if you want, because green is my favorite color ^^

I'm ready to pay 50k-100k

but if someone do head over that prize don't worry, I want the best head.

go go go

more details:
-hair would be nice to be black (green details/shadows). Style of hair: spike and anime like.
-evil/sly looking
-no glasses
Last edited by DreamEater; Jun 30, 2009 at 02:49 PM.
And the second largest penis in animal kindom
Aww, and I just did example textures for the random style from your previous request. I would be willing to to about 50% of a random style set if someone else teams up with me.
Originally Posted by DreamEater View Post
8O I take them, how much?

Your initial request had 10k per texture, but I realize that this was targeted at different artists. I would give you the four for 30k, or individual ones for 10k each. If you still think about continuing your first random style idea, I would add both feet, both leg trails, groin, stomach, chest to sell it for a total of 75k. That would be half the set. I could also do the full one, but probably it is more interesting in terms of diversity if another artists takes the other half.

Also, sorry for forgetting the disclaimer, the textures are 256x256. If you want a 128x128 preview before deciding, I will make one, of course.

\\ Edit
Offer changed, included trails.
Last edited by Fluxit; Jun 28, 2009 at 10:28 PM.
I'll do a tribesman human style head for the cash plus full acid, I'll do my very best.
Last edited by Espresto; Jun 29, 2009 at 07:44 AM.