Original Post
Leaked password
Someone by the user name of xzavior666 posted the password of your private board. He then deleted the post 5 minutes later from the discussion's forum. Just letting you guys know about it.

[21:47]<B0sS>Alphonse: FUCK YOU AND YOUR SIG
[21:48]=-=Alphonse was booted from #clandoxa by YOU (B0sS)
Thank you VERY much for informing us!
I'll look into this.

I'm hoping he just OD'd on crack....
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
He also posted it in your board. The thread was deleted as you can probably see.
I got someone to delete it for yah ;o.

/invade and all that kind of stuff
As proof that he/she posted it, I can PM the password to you (If I still remember it) only if you want me to.
[21:47]<B0sS>Alphonse: FUCK YOU AND YOUR SIG
[21:48]=-=Alphonse was booted from #clandoxa by YOU (B0sS)
Yeah, I definitely noticed... :/
I pm'd him, and I'm waiting for a reply, hopefully with a mature explanation, unlike the one he posted...

You don't need to, boss, I believe you.

Thanks velocity :]
Thanks mosier, too

If I am ever able to help you in the future, it would be my pleasure.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
It's a shame that someone would do that. What was his motives? To get attention? Whatever it is, I'm sure there is a better way of going about it.

It's my pleasure too, thanks.
Last edited by B0sS; Jul 5, 2009 at 09:17 AM.
[21:47]<B0sS>Alphonse: FUCK YOU AND YOUR SIG
[21:48]=-=Alphonse was booted from #clandoxa by YOU (B0sS)
He wished to quit the clan.

One of those "Before I Self Destruct" types perhaps (Which is an album im looking forward too)

I'm hoping he was just having a stressful time.

Further discussion here really isn't necessary until he logs on again.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
Alright then, but what about the leaked password?
[21:47]<B0sS>Alphonse: FUCK YOU AND YOUR SIG
[21:48]=-=Alphonse was booted from #clandoxa by YOU (B0sS)
i will explain the whole story now.

I had bad break up. she knew my password because i use the same one for most of the things i use. she had tampered with some other things she knew i use. such as my steam acc. as for the leak i keep the pass in the message i received it in. so i wouldn't lose it. thats how she must have found it. i understand if this is not enough for you. if you would like to kick me out i would be sad but its not as bad as some of the other things that came of this. i am sorry for your trouble and i will go peacefully if need be.
Why would she delete the post after then?
[21:47]<B0sS>Alphonse: FUCK YOU AND YOUR SIG
[21:48]=-=Alphonse was booted from #clandoxa by YOU (B0sS)