Original Post
Demon Or Angel ? Choose your way !
Demon Or Angel ?

Choose your way !

Join shadows or join the peace !

Your belt decides your wings !

More you belt is better more your wings are better !

Exemple of the application

Name :Firecedfr
Belt : Black Belt
Demon Or Angel : Demon
Your writing : Arial Black
Your position : Arms standing and legs folded

The result (It was a test) : [/url][/IMG]

The price : 300 tc or more if you want !

I can do trails or any textures demon and angel !

Good War !
Black Belt : No clan !
Is it a texture sale / a clan thread / a random art sale.

The first post dosen't make much sense
KONY 2012
It's just a image transformation to do a person with wings !

But if the person want i can do textures demon and angel !
Black Belt : No clan !
off topic :omg enricopf u have to PAY tc to get stuff, and in the pixel art head section you have to have your OWN textures

on topic :really don't like random style :S, no shaders.. damn, need a lil more experience, im waiting till i get lots more experience then opening a shop..
Bro, how good are your art skills. The cutout of the tori is pretty shit, but i will pay you 300tc for one. I'm 5th Dan Black belt and can you make it with me in hold all? I have a pure force.