Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Nothinman View Post
Actually it would have been nice to see the winning ratio like you could before it broke.

  • games played: 5409
  • rank: 715
  • qi: 5409
  • wins : 2871
  • loss : 2538
  • win_percentage : 53

Just because you can't see it don't assume it's broke, it's just the page that displays them needs changed. Things are fixed in order of priority, and a lill stat thingies not really a huge priority. As stated, it'll be fixed when it's fixed.

And no, I'm not posting anyone elses stats. >.>
(and don't bloody PM me asking for them either)

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
>.> im just saying that if it isn't going to get fixed soon. find something to replace a rick roll video or some just change it up once in a while, anyone could post a video into a web page.
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