can any1 help me with something? look at the first post on page 2. how do you make a object like that? i mean the handle on the sword. on blender. im a begginner but im interested on learning to get better. xD
Originally Posted by iamrubbish View Post
there's a good sword tutorial on youtube, by super3boy. just search it. i'll try and find a link.

EDIT: here ya go.

I know his tutorials. Either he's somewhat of a noob or doesn't try very hard when doing tutorials. I mean, a couple of intersecting beveled cubes do not make a good sword hilt.
Yeah, pertty basic stuff, but if you're a beginner and need some tutorials to get you started, then super3boy's are perfect. they're what started me off. then i started googling stuff and going to the wikibooks noob to pro thing and using tuts like agent47crows' (i think) tutorials.
yea im better than he is in tutorials lol. here is a dagger i made.

crap it didnt upload meh picture. btw i made this in blender.
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Quite good. about 7/10 from me. For a higher rating i would say get a good wood texture from google for the handle and ground, and make the spec (in the shaders tab on the material buttons.) quite low, and make the metal a bit more reflective. and some ambient occlusion would look quite good as well.

still quite good though.
actually the metal couldnt be much more reflective. because i changed the sky color(or world color or whatever) to silver or gray or whattever because my blade was looking too blue. how would i make it shinyer though? Btw thanks for the tips.