Christmas Lottery
Made some buttons in vista style:

- Mouse hovering over
- Pressed.

now i need to make a script for pressing and rollingover and shit

EDIT: oops. forgot to make them transparent.
Last edited by iamrubbish; Jul 12, 2009 at 05:39 PM.
Hi everyone!

this took somewhere over an hour, and i'm pretty damn pleased with it!

This is a resized version, the original .xcf file is about 37mb because of the HUGE size and the 21 layers.

EDIT: almost forgot, the image was originally this:

All i used for the image was a cloud brush, gradients, 2 layer masks and, oddly enough, a concrete texture.
well there is no impact ring. by looking at the meteors i assume, i thought it was a meteor impact. they impact not vertical but more like 30 degrees or something. also there will be an impact ring where it landed
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.