Christmas Lottery
Original Post

Sorry guys, leaving Fr3styL. I've received an invitation from another clan and fr3styl is becoming less and less appealing to me by the second. I'm sorry to all of you, i've had fun, and i hope we can all still be freinds. (except for you Jaxxx y'idiot (jk))

Bye bye everyone.

I may have a little look in this forum every now and then just to see how you're all doing, have fun everyone.

I'll miss you all, but try not to celebrate my leaving too much.

You can take me off the member list alpha.

I'm actually starting to cry as i type this. Seriously. O.o


*Walks off in tears*
Erm no, but darkness suck, i meant wtf ive never even heard of them... THEY SUCK ANYWAY. because they has no alphasonik i mean wtf, a clan without alpha is not a CLAN.
"Cheese ~ Milks giant leap toward immortality"
Thanks Alpha. And lol @Jen.


That made me smile a bit.

<3 all of you.

May i stay?
Last edited by iamrubbish; Jul 13, 2009 at 11:05 PM.