Original Post
so im gonna make a vid for the people who sign up here fr3styl only

heres the app

why you want to be in it:
best mods:
and why you think i should choose you instead of someone else:

5 spots left

people who are in the vid:
Last edited by smile2; Jul 14, 2009 at 04:24 PM.
Not smile2 :D
why you want to be in it:I Have some pretty decent replays
best mods:wushu aikido judo
and why you think i should choose you instead of someone else:

Cuz I have some awesome madmans in my replays and Cuz I luff this video =O
"Can't see California with Marlon Brando's eyes"


"She isn't real.... Can't make her real"
Originally Posted by fistfury View Post
why you want to be in it:I Have some pretty decent replays
best mods:wushu aikido judo
and why you think i should choose you instead of someone else:

Cuz I have some awesome madmans in my replays and Cuz I luff this video =O

your in
Not smile2 :D
"Can't see California with Marlon Brando's eyes"


"She isn't real.... Can't make her real"
I would like to be in cuz im awesome.
I kinda suck in SP but i have good MP replays.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
name: iamrubbish (also known as binman, bindude, lord bin liner, or "hey you! yeah you with the mophead"
why i r wantin the innage: because i rock and because i'll cry if i'm not.
best mods: aikido and taekk- takyko- ttaky-of fuck it, TK.
why i should be chosen: because I AM YOUR FATHER. SOMEHOW. *vwing* *csshh*

argh my arm

obi wan soniK, help meee
username: cdeath
why you want to be in it: cause its a video, who dosent want to be in a video.
best mods: sambo, akido, getting better at judo
and why you think i should choose you instead of someone else: i got some ok running videos, decap videos and a nice judo split. all people i fight are higher belts then else otherwise stated.