Hey. I want to join this clan.
Here's my application and shit.
Name: Peter1212. Just use Peter, the numbers are really degrading.
Belt: 5th Dan.
Time Played: September last year. Had a little bit of a break but then slipped back into the forums with out a shit "lolimbackgaise" thread.
Why I want to join [Sheep]: Just reading through this thread (not all of it because I'm not a sad person), I noticed a few things which appealed to me more than the other clans (I was window shopping):
1. You all use English well.
2. You're all cunts...well maybe just Chac.
But that didn't turn me off at all because it appeals to my style of humour.
I won't say that I will be an addition to the clan because there's no giving empty promises. They suck balls.
But being in the clan would be fucking sick, I must say.
About: I am 16 and I enjoy beers, bongs, skateboarding, music and I am currently taking residence in the small town of Hobart, Tasmania.
Which is in Australia (I have had people seriously ask where Tasmania was. I shat bricks)
I think that's the link to my posts and such.
I haven't got a high expectations of being let in but I applied and that's the least I could do.
OH, and I
do have IRC.