Christmas Lottery
I am the youngest and I am the eldest. I AM THE ALPHA. I AM THE OMEGA. And you won't get money because I must buy myself a beer. gtfo

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
hey hey hey, first to clear it up!

I fart rainbows (Highlight usertitle) Im the fag who decides the shit.

Shadowelf is personal assistant, and the others are like that sex whores you see in the jail movies, just that those are gay.. except for aik. hes cooking mama

Originally Posted by Nobuddie View Post

Shadowelf is personal assistant, and the others are like that sex whores you see in the jail movies, just that those are gay.. except for aik. hes cooking mama

Aika I'm hungry