Hi guys, thought i needed an inventory cleanout so thats what I'm doing. Real easy you offer a price for an item and I say either your dreaming make it __K and i will sell, or sure I'm sending it now.
ALL items in my inventory are for sale except the pure set which i am keeping for MrTickle so go ahead and offer and I DONT want any noobs wanting stuff for 1/3 of the price.
AND LASTLY the NABI WEMONZ APRIL PROMO PACK is for sale and It's NO QI, so yes you noobs can bid for it. If I get an offer of 300k for it I will throw in a limited addition handouken left and right hand flames FREE of charge. (will post a picture of it soon)
How much for the womenz 200 toribooster pack? Accept trade's?
- I haven't put a price on it, but anything below 250k is a rip job. - Take a look at Gman80's Shoppe If you dont agree with me http://forum.toribash.com/market_view.php?id=1823 - EDIT: DEPENDS ON WHAT ITEMS