View Poll Results: What would you like to see more of?
Head Textures
153 Votes / 59.53%
Trail Textures
54 Votes / 21.01%
Full Texture Sets
106 Votes / 41.25%
Custom Logos
25 Votes / 9.73%
Custom Avatars
28 Votes / 10.89%
Custom Signatures
26 Votes / 10.12%
Custom Menus
27 Votes / 10.51%
Other - Post it
15 Votes / 5.84%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 257. You may not vote on this poll
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Originally Posted by Hopea View Post
I'd like to request a head texture. I'm posting an image to make my message clearer.
Pretty much like in the image, but I want white as the base color and black as the other color. Maybe a little red as blood splatters. "Normal" kind of eyes, exept I'd like the left eye to be replaced with a pentagram -mish icon.
See what you can do with that, don't do it in too much detail at first please, I'm not too sure even myself what I want. Atleast I know I want to keep it simple.
Price around 2k tc, I might pay slightly more if I really like it.
If you don't want to do it then please say so.

Hello, sry for not asking sooner but do you have my head ready? If not I'd like to request full bodyset of this. Before you really start working on this please make a scetch of this and show me. Also, before you start working I'd like an estimate cost for this.

E: Sry, thought the image would come with the quote.
Attached Images
screenshot-06-00-43-15.jpg (13.6 KB, 14 views)
Last edited by Hopea; Aug 3, 2009 at 12:44 AM.
Clan Blood Leader
yeah man. I'm not at my computer right now, im on my blackberry, but i'll send it to you tonight when i get home.