Christmas Lottery
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Should schools distribute condoms?
Every school is always saying something like "Safe sex is the way to go, kiddos" but they never really do anything about it.

So I was just thinking, maybe the schools could distribute the condoms themselves?

Like, reach Grade 10, for instance, and they could keep a supply for you at the front office or something. Just go in and ask for them.
Even though the average Year 10 student would get embarrassed, he would still be safe right?

And same goes with year 11 etc.

This almost sounds like a debate topic.
Now that I think about it, that does sound like a good idea distributing condoms in school. Regardless of what schools say, kids are still going to have sex, may as well make it safe for them. Also, by doing this they are weakening the forbidding feeling given off by all those against sex programs, possibly weakening the desire of teenagers to do it as well. Perhaps?
Back in my day...
Yeah, maybe. It wouldn't be so badass then.
Like if they made marijuana legal, not as many people would do it and shit. Well that's what they say. And that's another story.

As for the debate topic, I can't post there. Got banned from that board some time near my birth.
condoms be given out at school.
Personally I think its a bad idea since people might get the idea that
the sex can be for all ages.
TBH it would take all the fun out of underage sex Or will it 0_o
which alex explained
So you're saying that it would take the fun out of it by reducing the secrecy and what-not.
I guess that could be one of the cons about it.

Another one would have to be the approval of parents because I don't think the parents would see the point of the school distributing condoms since they don't want their "little babies growing up too fast" etc.
At my school, we have sex education lessons, have done since year 6 (Which was 11-12 years old kids) and in year 9 (Which is 14-15 years old) we get tought how to put a condom on a carrot, then we each get a free one. I missed out on this however, because i do a second language which takes it's place.
Distribute condoms in schools ,What crazy idea?? (My first thought)

By the time someone finishes school he is normally 18 unless he fails or drops a year etc.I finished school at 17.So in a way it is promoting underage sex which is considered illegal at some/most places.

Even if school implemented such a thing it would gain instant stardom due to media attention human rights activists & all those moral people staging protests & stuffs.It would be a lot of hassle .

Besides I wonder how many children will actually have the guts to walk in front of teachers & girls to collect condoms.

Extending the idea further it would not be long when you would be able to get contraceptive pills, emergency pills etc. at school :|

Anyhow it will make a good way to rag juniors ...
KONY 2012
Underage sexual relations are illegal in Canada + most countries.

Also, I think that you can buy condoms at gas stations, regardless of your age.
Fonzie be with you.
Yeah you can do that here as well, even though the guy serving you will have to suppress that naughty smile of his.

I guess I didn't think of that side of it, how distributing condoms could promote underage sex. I overlooked that.
I still think that it's a cool idea.
but giving condoms to some immature teenagers for free can end up with lots of condoms in public places as a prank. that would be a con too.
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