alright i can accept that...but will you add it eventually? or is it a lost idea?
Technical Old School. - It exists.
I think that 4.0 will eventually come around, and the producers don't need to be pushed and prodded to get the job done.
Fonzie be with you.
i meant to ask if 2-2 will ever be implemented....but it doesn't really matter....toribash can be what ever Hampa wants it to be. Fact is its the only free online game of its kind "turn based fighting games" so they don't need to act on what people want, i think we should be happy that they do listen to us a lot.... So as Hampa said, and he would know, 2-2 causes intense lag and "it looked better on paper." lets leave this one die. On another note, i am glad that it does overwrite instead of replace the server file every turn thumbs up Nabi studios.
Technical Old School. - It exists.
Because sadly it's not so easy to make a great ragdoll physics fighting game..Toribash 3.8 was probably REALLY hasrd to make and took a few months so you think its so easy to make a perfect game even better than that?
Tint is sex.
Toribash would be a good game for the dsi/ds. The only problem with that is, the graphics wouldn't be that great...
The DS is nowhere near good enough to run Toribash on it.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
The Ds XL could possibly run it, from what ive heard, its more powerful than the original, and if its hackable like the first, then you should be able to get a basic openGL on there, enough to run non-style shaders anyways.
Woah, I never realized that it was all done on tb servers. It would make sense. But then why do huge collisions on mp slow me down just like on sp? I haven't tested it on my new pc, but at least on my laptop, this was the case.

I'd definitely rather have gameplay features than better graphics or new colors (eww)

Actually, I think faceted joints in shaders would be great. I kinda like the look of the nonshader joints.
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Originally Posted by DarkJak View Post
Woah, I never realized that it was all done on tb servers. It would make sense. But then why do huge collisions on mp slow me down just like on sp? I haven't tested it on my new pc, but at least on my laptop, this was the case.

I'd definitely rather have gameplay features than better graphics or new colors (eww)

Actually, I think faceted joints in shaders would be great. I kinda like the look of the nonshader joints.

I prefer the shader look. :P

Im looking forward to 4.0, hoping it got some cool new features.
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