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Incase of we get troll'd
The three rules of troll protection

Rule number one

The first rule is never click or respond to troll thread, they can be links to naughty websites or vids/pics. The way to tell if its a troll-thread is if the thread title has profanity in it, or anything sexual or if the thread is one of many with the same title. Another way to tell is if the name of the thread creater has a insulting name or just joined the tb community. (Remember that the goal of the troller is to get an emotional response out of us.)

Rule number two

The second rule is Never Panic, this means making threads concerning the troll or spamming our irc network about it.

Rule number three

The third rule is Don't take administrative action; don't go onto irc or forumn and try and guide us all to safety becuase you think you are jesus(unless your an admine ofcourse ;) ). If you arent a admin just try to lay low.

Well thats pretty much it, getting troll'd is rare but you know what they say, "Expect the unexpected" ;)

P.s- Don't do crack or become a manhoe for moneyz
Last edited by dillon207; Aug 16, 2009 at 06:30 PM.
Rogue clown
TBH this is not a support question.

This forum is for asking, not for tutorials and such.


Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!

Of course dillon207 is the master of counter trolling and knows exactly what a troll is in order to be able to know such rules.

EDIT: Oh, and heaven forbid that they would link you to a naughty website. Those sneaky, sneaky trolls.
collect snots from the nose
You forgot "stay the fuck out of Wibbles."
The place is a hunting ground for n00bs.
>>The Official Guv'na Fan Club<<
o7[OLDA] pride, world wide o7

He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."

There isn't any trolling going on in wibbles, because if there were everyone would act maturely and follow dillon207's rules.

collect snots from the nose
You watched the fox report on trolling and now think you're fit to tell us how to deal with retards?

Closed. Ask me and I'll reopen and move it to wibbles.