Christmas Lottery
you say your best mod is aikido yet you only show one aikido replay, also your uke replays were kinda plain(no offense). post some more aikido replays and some more interesting uke replays then we'll see mark2766
You don't say?
What? 40757 left? Is my memory just complete shit or did I not hear about this? Or did it happen fucking ages ago? My memory must be shit.
he left not that long ago to join some other clan (forget which one) sorry if you didn't know :/ i believe phail knew though
You don't say?
Name: paolotor
Starting date: jan 2009
Belt: 2nd dan
References: i know slash13
Favourite mod:tk wushu and classic
Why you wish to join:
I want to join the clan because I have challenged virtually all the members and I seemed very good players in this clan is the most beautiful
Why we should let you join:
I can help the clan wars, in multiplayer are quite strong
Do you have access to IRC?:no i don't like it
Past history: no infractio, no ban old clan hybrid
Real life Name: paolo

Attached Files
(decap)mega kick on face.rpl (62.6 KB, 2 views)
(decap)kick on face.rpl (117.6 KB, 2 views)
uccisiar.rpl (79.7 KB, 2 views)
(madman)super fast.rpl (137.2 KB, 2 views)
taekkyon pez.rpl (85.2 KB, 2 views)
exo2.rpl (24.8 KB, 2 views)
style ravenger3.rpl (72.3 KB, 2 views)
(madman)ryu ninja.rpl (54.7 KB, 2 views)
(split)kickbok4.rpl (68.8 KB, 2 views)
Edit: Here is my new look on applicants

Mark2766: Could use improvement / Maybe
Aikido - A shovel and a good move.
Wushu - Same moves, needs time to learn.
TK - Decent moves

Nosam360: Good good, some fine tweaking and he's perfect
Aikido - First round i got freakin lucky but he has good moves
Wushu - Needs some practice
TK - Refer to Wushu.

Phew... Thats all from me
Last edited by Stickicide; Aug 20, 2009 at 10:05 PM. Reason: Cos i felt like it
I don't mean to bug you guys but I was just wondering what was going on with my app just before it gets buried amongst the others
JinRei ~ [SIGMA] Applicant ~ Toribash Orange Belt
Real-life Tae Kwon Do 1st Dan Black Belt
Organ: that was a lil to harsh give help not thrash with words lol.
JinRei: When Phail or Warcry post your in your in but it looks good for you so far.
Name: Gumfighter, or Gum

Starting date:
I started on the forums in November of 2008, but I did not start playing until January of 2009

I am a custom belt, but that is because I had 10k qi transferred to this account. In reality I would be a 10th dan

No one invited me to Sigma

(See below)

Favourite mod:
I prefer to play Judo mostly, but lately I have started to like TK, Wushu, and KB

Why you wish to join:
Well, I want to join sigma because it seems like a great clan and I have only seen or heard good things about its members. I have a lot of respect for the people in this clan.

Why we should let you join:
I can contribute some tc to this clan, but most of all I can contribute a torimarket shop that can sell items of any qi limit since I am custom belt. I think you should let me join because I am a cool guy who just wants to hang around with other cool people.

Do you have access to IRC?:
Yep, if I'm on my computer I'm on IRC

Past history:
Well I have 3 infractions, all are expired and were for bumping a market thread too early. I have been banned once, but that was removed because it was determined that I did nothing wrong. I have been in two other clans since I have joined TB. My first clan was Klan Opposition where I was the main leader for most of the time I was there. I left KO because it seemed like the clan was going to fall apart and become completely inactive. The other clan I was in until about 10 minutes ago was Hive. Hive was dissolved because we decided we would rather get rid of the clan completely than watch it die over a period of time.

Real life Name: My name is Josh, you can call me by that or Gum, either works.

Past positions of power: I am currently a moderator for the Chaos Nest Subforum and I am a former leader of Klan Opposition. In real life, I hold the rank of Sergeant in my Police Explorer Post where I lead a squad of 5 people in our training and different community events.

I cant really think of anything else I would like to add at this time. If you have any questions regarding my application or regarding what I've done in TB, please contact me via pm or IRC.

Attached Files
#crazy save.rpl (21.9 KB, 7 views)
#head launch.rpl (30.3 KB, 6 views)
#toe decap.rpl (27.5 KB, 6 views)
#wushu luck.rpl (30.0 KB, 6 views)
gum tk win.rpl (84.8 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Gum; Aug 20, 2009 at 03:12 AM.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars