View Poll Results: Yosaku as an Advisor?
Yes, I agree
15 Votes / 50.00%
No, I dont
15 Votes / 50.00%
Voters: 30. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
Vote for Adviser
Ok here is it...
If you want to promote Yosaku as an adviser...
Pls vote..
Yosaku is a good player and active in forum and in game.
Last edited by JePoY; Oct 29, 2007 at 04:19 AM.
Sadly I voted no, don't get me wrong I think yosaku is a good fighter, but on the backround of Shinigamii, Frankyy and others, to me he doesn't stand out.
Captain, yes, actually I think he should have not been dmoted to promote me, adviser no.

Just my humble opinion!
30% of our DAT members are active in clan and forum,
So there are others players enough to become advisor.
Does he have a critical look to everything??
I voted no.
Sounds cruel but hey my opinion so no hard feelings ;)
bleh, jepoy can only count the voters who posted as well....and are legimate to vote, not that hard..
I think it is better if the senior captain will be promoted (as a Adviser) and their will be now a slot for captain....then 0815Rocker and Jepoy will decide who will be in.....i think they will set a poll or a tourney...

but i vote yes.