Original Post
[Exchange] Pharos for your Acid or Sphinx
Well, i have a pretty useless Pharos Primary Gradient lying around.. so i decided i will trade it. It is worth 8k so i would trade it for either : Acid Blood+ Acid Force [Worth ~7k], or Acid Blood + Acid Lax [Worth <7k], Or Sphinx Blood + Sphinx Force +Sphinx Lax [worth <6k]. Or if you would like to offer me, you are welcome to.
I only have sphinx relax and force. Is that good enough?
º7th Dan Black Beltº
ºJoin my fan club!º
(゚、 。 7
 l、 ~ヽ(
 じしf_ )ノ

What if I threw in a noxious timer?
º7th Dan Black Beltº
ºJoin my fan club!º
(゚、 。 7
 l、 ~ヽ(
 じしf_ )ノ