Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[Selling]All 4 Amber Trails! Cheap!
I'm selling all 4 amber motion trails; make me an offer for one or all.

I wasn't sure if it was okay to advertise items in my shop here, so I took the items off. If it's OK to advertise my shop after all, I'll put the items back up.

If anyone would like to see these items deactivated in my inventory: Here.
Last edited by EnigMoiD; Sep 3, 2009 at 12:54 AM.
You're not allowed to advertise YOUshops, but you should check the market for prizes.
Your prices is way to high.
Well, the market shows some trails for sale as low as 400tc, but all those buy links are broken. The lowest links I've seen that work are two motion trails for 1005 each, so considering how low that is, I'm not interested in going much lower. 2.5k is way too low.
Thanks, but I consider this better advertisement, and it seems the better choice now that I've done it, as I'm not technically allowed to advertise items once they're in the shop.
@ ccpl,
You cant post links to your store or whatever. its against the rules.. anyways, I dont really need these, but GL on your sale ;]