Originally Posted by tortele
Hm, I think in 3 rd-4th-5th grade there was this girl named 'Lilly'. I thought she was so cute and nice, but there's always a fucking punk (in my case), his name was Tanner. He was a skater, shaggy hair, etc. She had liked him, I know, me and her never went out and she also moved. */sad
Tanner's such a dick name.
Anyway, my first love must've been when I was around 9 or 10. I was pretty weird, and I had only gone to this particular school for like, a year at max. Anyway, she was together with a friend of mine, which was kinda "end of". I was socially awkward, when I was young, but we managed to become pretty good friends, iirc. Then I moved back to my mom, and I haven't really liked any girls in that same... "pure" way. It's like, how they make love out to be in crappy romantic comedies, but you were too young to understand any of it, and you just wanted to be in her company. Man, kids love is beautiful. So pure etc.
EDIT: She was also really pretty. I remember that she was blonde, slightly tanned, etc. :|
Last edited by dalir; Sep 4, 2009 at 06:13 AM.