Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
JonNario First Set
Hi this is my first set (kinda cheap) i call it the "Destructo X" set

Im not really good at making stuff so i tried my best to do this set

<<<<<trails sux :S

ty for watching

(i know it suxs)
Last edited by JonNario; Sep 9, 2009 at 06:05 PM.
Well to begin, id say this is a worthwhile effort at a full texture set.
They can be pretty difficult, and kind of a pain.

Overall i think you did just fine.
However, ive got a few tips for your next texture endevor.

First tip - Copy pasting

Used to make designs elements symmetrical (this applies to your set's eyes)
The left eye is very narrow, straight, clean. Whereas the right one looks sloppy.
I take it you drew each one individually.

By simply, copy, pasting, and flipping the left eye, in place of the right eye, they would look exactly the same/symmetrical, and would improve the quality of the head much more.

This technique can be applied with the entire head texture, or just certain elements. and can easily be used with all other texturable elements.

Second Tip - Mirror
Now this is your first set so its an overlookable mistake.
If you look at your thigh/leg textures, is the same thing on each side.

Heres an example:
Lets say your putting a design like this: |/|
on your leg texture.

Your current legs look like this |/| |/|
Where as it should look like this: |/| |\|

Simply flipping the texture around on the opposing side should solve this issue, this applies to all of the body parts with corresponding parts. (ex. legs, feet, hands, arms)

I hope this wasnt too long or confusing.
Best of luck to you with future textures.
Last edited by Rustd; Sep 9, 2009 at 11:34 PM.
ty man that was really helpfull i didn't have a clue what i was doing

and ty for the tip

im going to try my best on the next set

and srry for the eye
Last edited by JonNario; Sep 10, 2009 at 01:58 AM.
Abosolutely, if i've helped in some way, then ive accomplished something.
You've got the drive and determination and thats one of the most important parts.

Good luck on your next texture, i'll be on the look-out for it
yeah on thighs and stuff u might need to mirror them,anyways nice set
Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;
Second Set
how about this 1 my 2nd set
(damn i put the other finger away :S)

<<<<<<<< in the foot "Die!!!" lol

<<<<<trails getting better

i kinda use mirror on this 1
Last edited by JonNario; Sep 10, 2009 at 05:20 AM.