Original Post
new please help
Hampa saw a render that I photoshop'd and asked me for the inc file. I didnt have one, because, well it was photoshop'd. But the effects that I created with it can be simulated in POV-Ray with the ambient lighting and diffuse lighting finishes, I just dont know how to add them.

finish {
ambient .6
diffuse .1

just like that I think would work, but I have no idea where or how to place it. I tried under joints, head, blood and such underneith the pigmants, but I guess I didn't do it right. The POV-Ray tutorial we have is nice, but I didn't see anything in it about finish, or from the search tool. Help? For Hampa's sake? ^^

edit: I know im not genius material or anything, but I did a bit more specific search and found a reference to:

finish { specular 0.3 reflection 0.6 }

and i placed this above the pigment, seems to be showing some differences gonna work on it, hopefully ill have something nice for anyone who's interested.
Re: new please help
i dont think it was that one, but if it is he can have it. im working on another one now. Progress! some new problems have arrisen ill need more help on, but for the moment gf is dragging me out the door.