Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by MOBI View Post
Who Was the creator of "The Tori-News Organization" *guv_na*
Who is the Leader Of Fuzion *Mobi*

wrong, it was melmoth. Guvna took over when he left.
the god
Originally Posted by Chickenpox View Post
How much TC does it cost to enter Hobo Texture school*20000
What is the minimum price for a flame*35000
How much TC does it cost to make a clan official*50000
If a clan gets rejected by the council, how much TC is refunded*30000
If you have any problems, whom should you contact*KiTFoX
Who made the video "Erasus"*DarkEnergy
Who made the video "Mooper Dooper"*SkulFuk
Who made the videro "Inferno"*WarCry
Whats the engage distance in Wushu*250
Which moderator is mentioned in the ingame tutorial*gman80
Who won the Nabi Clan league*Alpha
What is hampa's first name*Hampus
Whos head texture is the pringles man*veb
Who is ranked #1*suomynona
Who, other than Rutz, starred in "The Plumber"*gman80
Who is the leader of the Runners league*Slycooper
What was version 3.8's codename*hanz0

Actually JePoY is rank 1, not suo.
Sentiram minha falta ?
Who got Texturer of the month for September 2009? "Rott"

How much is Hector Relax? "12 million"

How long did Robbing last? "4 Hours"

About how many total Robberies where there? "17000"

How much money has hanz0 gotten robbed of? "1.5 million"

Originally Posted by CheZe View Post
AND, I Got One!, Who Made The Full Tori Template in Toribash Forums?*maldiluna

specify which template.
bones80 made the first templates for textures.

clan [RAWR] was previously known as?*[FCC]

pringles = ? * veb
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
woot thanks everyone, added =D
How much TC does it cost to enter Hobo Texture school*20000
What is the minimum price for a flame*35000
How much TC does it cost to make a clan official*50000
If a clan gets rejected by the council, how much TC is refunded*30000
If you have any problems, whom should you contact*KiTFoX
Who made the video "Erasus"*DarkEnergy
Who made the video "Mooper Dooper"*SkulFuk
Who made the video "Inferno"*WarCry
Whats the engage distance in Wushu*250
Which moderator is mentioned in the ingame tutorial*gman80
Who won the Nabi Clan league*Alpha
Who created the 500 event*Hector
What is hampa's first name*Hampus
How much tc does hector relax cost*12 million
How long did robbing last*4 hours
about how many total robberies were there*17000
About how much money was hanz0 robbed for*1.5 million
What was the clan RAWR previously known as*FCC
Whos head texture is the pringles man*veb
Who is ranked #1*suomynona
Who, other than Rutz, starred in "The Plumber"*gman80
Who is the leader of the Runners league*Slycooper
What was version 3.8's codename*hanz0
What is the dojo size in aikido*450
What is the MF in aikido*350
What is the engage distance in TK*180
Who is the leader of the clan Latin*Tinerr
Who is a leader of the clan inq*Lightningkid*lord_Inquisitor
Who is the leader of Fr3styL*Alphasonik
Who is the leader of Urban*Ern
Who is the leader of Alpha*oldov
Who is the leader of Addicted*Nobuddie
Who is the only promoteam moderator of the Art and Videos board*culapou
Who is the leader of the clan [MM]*andreyoshi
Who is the leader of the Judo League*cyclone3
Who is the Founder of ORMO*Splinter
Who is the ultimate master of the forums*veb
Whos is the founder of Greed Warz*suomynona
Who saved the Wibbles board*Sennax
Who created iBot*iLLepidus
Who Originally made the muteall + unmuteall scripts*Nirs
What is the fracture threshold in wushu*80
What is the gravity in sambo*-30
Who is the "Lord of Wibbles"*Hamster
What is the MF of Kickbox*220
Who makes Jingles for Tori Radio*Kyat
If a Judo game were to last the entire MF, how many turns would there be*15
What is the gravity in Roman Wrestling*-40
What is the DQ timeout in Roman Wrestiling*120
What is the Fracture Threshold in Aikido*325
Other than changing Dismemberment to Fracture, is there any difference from Judo and Judofrac*No
If a player has 11501 Qi what belt would they be*10th dan black belt
How much qi do you need for master belt*15000
Do you gain TC for playing in Quick Aikido Rooms*yes
Who Created the 3/4 person replay generator*Juntalis
Whos user title is "veb, whats a veb?"*skulfuk
Who was the "robber baron of 09"*siku
Who was the Texturer of the month for September*Rott
Who created the Custom HUD .lua script*Blam
Who created the bigBro application*iLLepidus
At 418 Qi what belt are you*Blue belt
Who Made The Full Tori Template in Toribash Forums*maldiluna
Who Made Originally The Pixel Hopdiddys in Toribash*CheZe
What new colour was introduced in August*Old Gold
Who is the "Marketing Guru"*Gman80
Who created the organization Bish*BKRABBIT
Who bought KiTFoX's set flames and items*DecapW
What clan does moop lead*Parrot
In What year was Toribash invented*2005
Who won the first Wii Tourney*Torikai
Who has the most dancing videos on youtube*Rutzor
Who was the creator of the the "Tori-News" organization*melmoth
Who is the leader of Fuzion*Mobi
Who made a thread dedicated to there friend who is dying*Saintowar
The answer to this is cheese*cheese
Name a leader of Raid*DecapW*2bash*Davidfee
Who is the current leader of Sheep*avwave
Who does the most shows on Tori Radio*Rutz
Who made Running popular*NutHug
Name a leader of the clan Corrupted Waffles*Shin-Ryuu*Verax*Powas
thats what i currently have right now.
thanks everyone
Last edited by Chickenpox; Sep 13, 2009 at 06:00 PM. Reason: fixed code