Christmas Lottery
I apologize for my use of the word "pathetic" in my previous post. I in no way meant this in a description of Omega clan, but rather the less than kosher activity of some of the members. Either way, reading back through it, I see it was a poor choice of words, so sorry guys.


It's a lot of work to do 'background checks' of all of your members. A simpler way to deal with this may be a "no tolerance" policy. ie, before a new user becomes an Omega, you explain to them that if they break the rules, they're done. No if, ands, or buts about it. You act with honor and integrity, or you're out.

It may mean kicking skilled players, but sometimes you have to make sacrifices in one area to advance in another. Just a thought.

I know Omega clan has great potential, as I can see from your resolve to correct things. Keep it up, and you will go far.
Thanks novi, we may have to tighten the recruitment system even more, and really think about who we're choosing
Quit, probably.
You guys need to really remember how embarrassed we were when this happened. It's important for us to have a good image. We need to show people the best of ourselves. DarkKira just left because he thought we were better, something more than a spam clan. We need to stop spamming every single thread. Threads have topics. Anything off topic goes in the off topic thread. I will not let Omega become a spam clan! It's fine for us to have a little ( one thread ) spot for us to loosen up and have fun, but we are a clan. We need to just act more decent. post for a reason. this doesn't mean we can't have fun but what is the purpose of posting left, right, up, down, and stupid shit like that. C'mon guys. When people come to our thread they should see a well organized clan with perspective and future ambition. This will help us get more/better members.

I don't know guys. I know that I don't want to be part of a spam clan and I know arterial wouldn't like it either. We need to get our act together, straiten up, put our best faces forward and just stop spamming. Offtopic means discuss things off topic not spam the holy crap out of the thread. a little spam is fine but theres a limit, even for the offtopic thread. anyways, just remember people our always going to be judging us based on our forum. If we want better/more members we need a better/cleaner forum.

Thanks for your time guys.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
Agreed, TP. The level of spam in our forum now is just stupid. From now on, anyone uselessly spamming can feel free to have a couple of infraction points.
Quit, probably.
why not have a forum clean up and just delete all that spam. I'm not saying one person do it all, but each member look through their own posts and just delete all their trivial shit?
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's