Original Post
[TC shop] DarkHunt's TC sale
Welcome to my TC sale.

USD to toricredits rate is of course :


Here is my promo-program :

- Spend 10$ in my shop and get : Amber stuff + some cheap stuff as a gift for your friend
- Spend 20$ in my shop and get : all 10 $ promos + Adamantium stuff
- Spend 30$ in my shop and get : all 20$ promos + Gold Stuff + head texture!
- Spend 40$ in my shop and get : all 30$ promos + Amethyst Stuff
- Spend 50$ in my shop and get : all 40$ stuff + Full Ecto & Full Shaman & Ivory Pack

Be first customer which spend 20$ + and get 1830 QI black belt account ! Use it, make a gift to friend, sell, do anything with's yours!

For any bigger deal, contact me via pm so we we can talk about bigger promo.

TC to be sold : 500 k

My paypal is : [email protected]
Last edited by DarkHunt; Sep 27, 2009 at 06:01 PM.
||Donate me ^^|| Proud member of [Addicted]||10th DAN||Buy TC here!
Right now, just for first customer, Black belt account!

Be first customer which spend 20$ + and get 1830 QI black belt account ! Use it, make a gift to friend, sell, do anything with's yours!
||Donate me ^^|| Proud member of [Addicted]||10th DAN||Buy TC here!