I don't know what to think.
I hate the people that talk out there ass and say this is terrible, and the people involved should be killed.STFU, period.
yes this is terrible but when it comes to a grinder, the death is fast and more frightning that painful, except for the 0.555555 seconds of the chicks life.
the thing is, life evolves. Humans in the begining crawled from the sea, and scrounged like rats. we got bigger, stronger and more intellegent. we needed other humans for survival. we got more and more sophisticated that we divided oursevles based on colour and relgion. we produced greed, hate, weapons ect. these all evolved. Chickens, didn't.
This is bad, but they would die normally in the wild. ripped apart by foxes, coyotes, birds of prey. dieing in the factory is well, not really that horrific, well, let me rephrase.
we have no regard because, other animals that are bigger, stronger, have no regard too. If your a vegan, a tiger or bear will still eat if it wants too. humans need food, and as horrible this is, it's life. Life changes, the World, changes. humans are primitive,just with better killing machines now, and thats the way life works.