Originally Posted by sprytryne View Post
Past History/Infractions: well al of them expired but most is ignoring rules ._. can ONLY get infract-attacked for ignoring the rules...<_<
Centuries Of Damn
May I suggest we put an acceptable app on the first post so they can see examples of what we are looking for?
<apple> Fine, I love you in the gayest of ways.
I don't think we should. If someone is really interested in joining our clan, they should be able to make a decent application themselves. If they can't do that they probably wont get in.
Originally Posted by Gostonsol View Post
Name: Gostonsol

Starting date: Year ago

Belt: Brown belt 100 matches to go

Replays: Ill send it in the other Post

Favorite mod: Akido

Why you wish to join: Im looking for a good clan and a nice one.

Why we should let you join: I can sell stuff,and free stuff for the clan.

Do you have access to IRC?: Yes i have access to IRC

Past history: D-squad

Last edited by Gostonsol; Sep 22, 2009 at 05:43 PM. Reason: Sorry about grammar
=.= editing your last post don't change our answers and it just lowers your changes to get in. (what is already 0%)
Last edited by S3D; Sep 22, 2009 at 06:36 PM.
Mah DA
❒Single ❒Taken ✔Dubstep
Membership Request
Name: Andy
Starting date: August 28th 2009
Belt: Blackbelt 7000 ranked or something.
References:No one to be honest, but your alliance caught my attention.
Favourite mod: Definitely Sambo/Akido
Why you wish to join: Because I am looking for a clan, I like the attitudes of your members I came across several of them once and they're really good and nice. So I thought I'd give it a shot?
Why we should let you join: I am excellent at making up moves and turning fights around. I have a laid back attitude but not offensive.
Do you have access to IRC?: MSN count?
Past history: None, not even temp ones.

Optional: These are not necessary to tell us. However they might help your chances if you tell the truth.

Real life Name: Andy
Past positions of power: None
Other: GMT is +12, live in New Zealand, I have one Leg in real life.

Replays: Some single player and Multiplayer replays please.
I came across "Dreameater" in the "I owned a hardout" replay.

Cheers Guys.
Attached Files
Broken Bones.rpl (83.8 KB, 5 views)
I Owned A Hardout.rpl (68.9 KB, 7 views)
Awesome Sambo Body Rip.rpl (35.6 KB, 4 views)
Sweet as.rpl (54.5 KB, 5 views)
Staying on top..rpl (65.1 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by Lyak; Sep 23, 2009 at 06:33 AM.
Originally Posted by UricHunt2 View Post
Name: Andy
Starting date: August 28th 2009
Belt: Blackbelt 7000 ranked or something.
References:No one to be honest, but your alliance caught my attention.
Favourite mod: Definitely Sambo/Akido
Why you wish to join: Because I am looking for a clan, I like the attitudes of your members I came across several of them once and they're really good and nice. So I thought I'd give it a shot?
Why we should let you join: I am excellent at making up moves and turning fights around. I have a laid back attitude but not offensive.
Do you have access to IRC?: MSN count?
Past history: None, not even temp ones.

Optional: These are not necessary to tell us. However they might help your chances if you tell the truth.

Real life Name: Andy
Past positions of power: None
Other: GMT is +12, live in New Zealand, I have one Leg in real life.

Replays: Some single player and Multiplayer replays please.
I came across "Dreameater" in the "I owned a hardout" replay.

Cheers Guys.

IRC is Internet Relay Chat. Download mIRC or ChatZilla if you use Firefox.

I'm not sure at the moment, but I'd like to get to know you on IRC and perhaps ingame.
<lumpysolo> ermergerd it's jalis <lumpysolo> love u too jalis <3
<jalis> you are worthless <jalis> ignored for my sanity
More Replays?
Why don't we just use the toribash chat? That's easier.

And as for in game, state a time and if I'm on at that time well we'll have a match or two.

2 More replays for you to look at one SP one MP
Attached Files
Blackbelt Bitch!.rpl (57.3 KB, 5 views)
Mint Arm Catching Flip..rpl (71.0 KB, 3 views)