Because if i wasnt here who would you discuss to and try to change their opinion?
It wouldnt be a discussion now would it?
Want 1k event for doing something easy? check it
well it doesnt mean no1 is against him but he give some useful and good tips lol and Homeworks r rly much helpful to us Blue!
Originally Posted by BlueSaint View Post
Because if i wasnt here who would you discuss to and try to change their opinion?
It wouldnt be a discussion now would it?

yeah thts also the big point but guys we r talikng about teachers!
School is a waste of time...
And now the math teacher (The fucking teacher I hate the most) is's just...pfff...

But things like Art & practical work are helpful imo..
Beside that...=_=
Centuries Of Damn
Originally Posted by BlueSaint View Post
Yes but if you had a choice would you do every single homework assignment?

At least try to do some.
I do my work, and I do homework. Although I do the homework at the last possible moment, and I only get down to some serious learning when I need to. Which is basically now. I'm not a boff of any sort, but I'm not stupid.

Also hkp326, how old are you? Because I bet you've just started a secondary school and think it's really hard, when you actually have no idea what 'hard work' is. You have plenty of time to do homework, you just have to do it.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Originally Posted by Marcoyeh View Post
I do my work, and I do homework. Although I do the homework at the last possible moment, and I only get down to some serious learning when I need to. Which is basically now. I'm not a boff of any sort, but I'm not stupid.

Also hkp326, how old are you? Because I bet you've just started a secondary school and think it's really hard, when you actually have no idea what 'hard work' is. You have plenty of time to do homework, you just have to do it.

Well same here markcoyeh and i am in secondary and half year is past lol
and yeah i Have idea bout hard work as i am the only who finishes his homework
at the time given!!