Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by kwygon View Post
Obama has not accomplished anything in the Middle East as I have clearly proved to you.
He firstly has not done anything to stop the nuclear research and construction in the Middle East so he has done nothing to do with ridding the world of nuclear weapons.

"For example, bridging gaps with the Muslim world"
He has achieved nothing in that regard either.
The Muslims and Israelis have come no closet to peace and he has only driven one of America’s closest allies away.
As my earliest example showed you. I am not sure you have read anything in this thread so far.

Once he pulls out of Iraq there will be extreme consequences.

First of all, just because he hasn't done 'anything' with nuclear weapons in the middle east doesn't mean he hasn't done anything with nuclear weapons.
For example, recently Obama was pursuing a treaty with Russia to reduce the amount of nuclear warheads down to 1,000 on both sides. Tell me how that is doing 'nothing.' The outcome of the proposal is irrelevant, it's not his fault if the other signer refuses to sign, and the fact that he proposed it in the first place means he is 'doing' something about it.

Secondly, the acting general of US forces in Afghanistan/Iraq/whatever has done a lot to make their people not hate us. Bombing the living shit out of everything including citizens doesn't work. Point in case: Majority of the last 5 or 6 years. You can't even fight guerrilla warfare effectively, having the citizens in the country die by the thousands (innocently) just gives more numbers to the insurgents.

You really don't know what you're talking about.
Originally Posted by kwygon View Post
No, it’s not peoples well being. Public health care is their well being. A public hospital will charge you nothing to treat you. A private hospital can charge whatever they want and if you don’t like it go somewhere else. It’s the way the world works. What Obama seeks to reform is the Medical Aid system. That is of course when you pay a company and if you need a medical procedure they pay for you to get it. That is a privilege. The poor can get the same public health care as those who don’t have medical aid. What you are talking about is communism.

Somebody always comes in with that comment on socialized anything. There's a difference between socialisim and communism. Communism is where the government owns all property and assigned jobs to the citizens in accordance to it's needs at the time. Everyone get's paid equally for their efforts. Socialism is the provision of public services that's accesible for everyone. You can still own property, you can still run a business. You could just compete against a government run option.

Elaborating on that, a government run healthcare system would influence a business' practice, but in the exact same way as if another company came in offering the same product. That still relies on the roots of capitalism, as insurers then have to compete against another provider. You aren't forced to pick the public option, but the point is you have it. Because of that, an insurance company would be more inclined to provide better service to it's customers because if the person insured got cancer and they declined treatment, that customer can go for the public option despite being privately insured. And they'll probably get treated as soon as possible. Why would the person then want to pay for private insurance if they'll just be denied? They'd stop paying for it. And the insurance company loses money, which they don't want. So they'd be forced to adapt a better business plan to compete with a better provider.

Originally Posted by kwygon View Post
Where everybody is equal and what you do doesn’t count. The poor are not being victimized. The businesses are trying to make a profit and are not specifically targeting the poor. If you can’t afford it don’t buy it. If you can’t afford an education get that rather, so that you can get a decent job when you are older. I see you agree with me there. Do we tax people so that poor people can buy cars? It’s exactly the same. It is another private initiative and therefore it is not the responsibility of those who have to provide for those who don’t. Even out the money? That just bullshit. That is just communism.

Now here, the poor are being victimized. You are arguing that living without disease or medical hardship is a privilege. Let's say I discover you have a physically disabling disease that racks you with pain continuously. Let's say I also discover a cure, but will only give it to you if you pay me 20 billion dollars. Would you consider that fair? No, it's not. But according to you that's a privilege to live healthy, so I guess you just got to deal with your excrutiating pain.

Many poor people have to live with that reality. They cannot afford treatment to diseases or disorders, and suffer because of it. And in many cases, these diseases prevent them from getting an income in the first place. Polio can cripple someone for life, an injured back left untreated can prevent the person from holding his labor-intensive job. You essentially condemn them to a life of poverty the second they're born, assuming that their parents could foot the bill for the birth in first place and instead have to give birth in an unsanitized backwater.

America was built on the principles that somebody born to nothing could rise to anything. Now you come along and say, because they're poor they deserve a worse lifestyle. That's like me saying because you're black you should take on slave labor, or because you're a Jew I should try to kill you. It's oppression of a people. And America has strived SOOO hard to deter that within the past century, so it'd be a shame to show that you're a bunch of complete hypocrites right now.

Also, we don't pay taxes so poor people can drive cars because we pay taxes to provide for PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. You know, the bus? The subway? Or are you too high up on your gold pedestal to see them?
Last edited by dalir; Oct 11, 2009 at 09:02 PM.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by kwygon View Post
Obama has attempted to pass several bills which have been shot down by a senate that his party controls.
Most famously his health bill was recently set forward.
What it entailed was a government run health care system in which the taxes which were already raised for the rich/middle class are being raised again to provide cheap health care for the poor.
If we look at it most employers already provide health care for their employees, so there are only very very few people without health care.
This bill will also create a one trillion dollar loss over the period of 10 years, which is money that the US government does not have.
After all we are in a recession.

If not many people need it, why would it cost a trillion dollar loss over 10 years?

If just the losses are a trillion dollars (so it would be costing more but money coming out of taxes lessens the load), think of how much the people who would get the healthcare are having to pay.

How can they afford it?

Unless there's something I'm simply not getting here. (I'm just going on what you've said - I'm from England :P)
Uh, that link about how Obama alienated Israel?

It has 1000 ads for "Sarah Palin's NEW BOOK!" and anti-Obama propaganda ads. You expect anyone to take you seriously?

Their way of writing in the article is to make him seem like a weak jackass (using expressions like "he picked a fight" and that he is merely a "messenger".)

How much do you expect a new president to be able to do by himself? Greedy republicans like you are the exact reason he won't be able to improve your country one bit. I'd expect these kind of posts from a troll, but seeing as you're serious, arguing with you is pointless.

EDIT: Hey cool, did you play that "Defeat Obama and his Allies" game on Power Line yet?
EDIT2: Sorry oracle for the accidental edit on your post, didn't change anything.
Last edited by dalir; Oct 11, 2009 at 09:03 PM.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
Originally Posted by SmileyJones View Post
1.Medical procedures should not be a "privilege", because at some point or another everybody needs them. 2.There are middle-class families out there losing their homes because insurance premiums are out of control. You regulate the insurance companies, you give them competition, and you'll be easing the economic burden on a large part of the population. Do you want a way to fix the economy? People need money to spend! 3.Reforming the corruption of these private insurance companies is a long overdue way to improve the standard of living for the middle class. I'm sure even the wealthy would save money on their premiums, at the expense of a s4.light tax increase. You're looking out for the best interests of the wealthy, 5.while the country as a whole suffers.

6.And when the lower and middle class have no money, the rich have no way to make money. Everybody loses. We all need each other.

EDIT: 7.Also, you keep bringing up free hospitals. Could you point me to one in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that provides free care to everyone and not just people under a certain household income? Because even if what you're talking about does exist it might be useless for middle class households. I've been looking and I can't find any.

1.The procedures are not a privilege. You can easily receive a free necessary treatment and procedure at a public hospital.
2. Then don’t buy insurance from those companies. Nobody forced them to. There are many companies that are completely reasonable with prices.
3.It is changing nothing for the middle class. It is only for the extremely poor.
4. It is a major increase. The second one. And their premiums will be no less. The government will provide free health insurance for the poor.
5.The poor may be suffering. But the country as a whole is not. The middle class people are just that. If you can’t afford to keep your house you are fairly poor I would say. That is why they call them the middle class. And they in no way will benefit from this
6.Nobody suffers. The country is doing fine. The recession was not caused by health care. It was caused by the stupidity of the money lenders around the world who went bankrupt and led to people losing the money that they invested.
7. it’s called a public hospital. A government hospital. They run based on government funds and if you can’t afford to pay, you don’t pay.
Originally Posted by steve View Post
God, everyone is blaming all the shit that is happening now on Obama.
Does anyone have the hindsight to look back and see HOW this all happened?
Obama can't manipulate time, he said so himself, he won't be able to fix things in one year, possibly even one term.
And universal healthcare refom =/= communism?
If McCain was president we would be so fucked right now.
Republicans need to stop throwing sissy tantrums and actually wise up and stop being retards. Obama's gonna be in office until 2012, they need to get that through their heads and stop voting against every policy Obama puts out. We will never get anything done this way.
Most of this is just genuine nitpicking.
More later.

Nobody is blaming him for the problems that were already in place before he took office. They vote against his policies because they are not what is best for the country. it’s not only the republicans. The Democrats control the senate and they are the ones voting against him. You do have enough problems. Why don’t you focus on that rather than creating more, for example a 10 trillion dollar loss?
Originally Posted by Ragdollmaster View Post
Hey guys, since Odlov hasn't shown up yet, I accept the privilege of firing his argument at the Sun.

Protip; taxes, as in the increased governmental taxes being imposed on the rich (OH BOO HOO THEY CAN ONLY AFFORD TO WAX THEIR FERRARIS EVERY OTHER DAY NOW INSTEAD OF DAILY) are what pay for public hospitals, just like they pay for public schools, law enforcement, and the fire department. Nobody expects private hospitals to let in poor people for free, but how can public hospitals treat people if the hospital doesn't have enough money? This is why we've got taxes.

Yes, it is a privilege. It's a privilege that people who can afford to pay for Med-Aid aren't incapable of doing so because they're, say, immigrants from war-torn countries (Former Yugoslavia, anyone?) whose education isn't recognized by the OH SO GREAT COUNTRY OF AMERIKAH, or can't get an education and therefore can't get a high-paying job because they can't afford it. All people, however, have the right to health care, and this is typically provided by taxes because FYI, Bill Gates and Oprah cannot pay for every single poor person's health care. Charities have their place, but taxes take a little bit of money from a whole lot of people and in turn are able to provide needed services.

True, none of the rich are running around stabbing the poor because they know the poor won't be able to limp into an ER, but poor people are more less being thrown out into the cold by rich companies just looking to make a profit. "Oh, your little four year old cancer-induced son needs a kidney transplant? I see, and would you be able to come up with $90,000? No? Sorry, why don't you try the soup kitchen down the street?"

1) People being able to stay alive is a universal right, and while it has its place as a business, if you believe people should die because they can't afford to pay for health care then you, good sir, should go drown in a pile of capitalist shit.
2) People who can't afford an education can't get a good job and therefore can get neither insurance from a good job or can pay for private insurance because they're barely able to make ends meet.
3) I barely repressed the urge to track you down via IP address and smack you in the face with a large hammer for comparing private transportation to the value of a human life. Paying health taxes is not the same as pampering everyone who can't afford to pamper themselves.
4) It isn't the responsibility for the rich to pay for the poor. It is the responsibility for a human to help another human stay alive.
5) This isn't communism or socialism where people are getting everything equally. This is forking over what basically equates to fucking pocket change so that someone less privileged than you can stay alive. Where do you see in America rich people being hauled off to exile and their assets being repossessed so that poor people can split up the money? Because that's what happened in Eastern Europe during WWII. If you made a lot of money and lived near Russia, chances are you would get hauled off to Siberia for being a capitalist- which constitutes you being an enemy of the GREAT NATION.

tl;dr: You're an ignorant moron who needs to suck it up and stop believing everything being spewed out by rich people who are mad they can't afford six Yachts anymore due to taxes and these idiots who don't support Obama because they think the fact that Obama hasn't turned the entire world into a sparkling utopia yet means he's a shitty president and is proof that he's a lying commie trying to take away the HARD EARNED MONEY of the rich.

tl;dr;tl;dr: Learn not to believe propaganda and get over yourself. Kthxbye.

The only reason you are getting this aggravated is because you are talking entirely on emotions and not for one second on logic. Please track my ip down and we will let the police decide then. So don’t make threats. Think about what you say you irrelevant little prick.
Let me now deal with your points.
1)People can stay alive without medical aid. They always do. The hospitals treat them. Have you ever seen a hospital find a dying man on the street and check if he insured first? No, what they do is save their life. Look up the Hippocratic oath.
2)So these people need health insurance. Perfect. Let’s not let the hospitals care for them for FREE and we will completely disregard the fact that they are starving like you said. Very logical.
3)Your third point makes no sense. They aren’t paying health taxes whatever that is. What they are doing is becoming reliant on the government for health insurance. We are not pampering or doing them any good. It enables them to do whatever they want medically and charge it to medical aid, of which they will now pay now premiums. I preferred the old system. If you needed health care you went to a public hospital and got is. If you couldn’t afford it, you still got it. Now... al that’s happening is that the tax payers have to pay for it.
4)Very good, let’s all eat marshmallows. It’s their choice whether they want to be good people or not. I work every Sunday raising money for charities. I actually do no matter what you think. It’s my choice. I don’t have to. I don’t have to pay more taxes to give them food. But I want to, and I do. Why be forced by the government.
5)Tax is not pocket change. You should see the difference in your gross and net salary. Its astronomical.
For the record, insulting me doesn’t make you right.
Originally Posted by Gubbin1 View Post
@Bold: "poor people got into some mess they should get themselves out"

Also, I didn't misunderstand. So the concept is that rich people pay a larger percent than poor people? You mean like the graduated tax brackets we have had since the founding of our country? You mean to tell me that people without the means to pay will have to pay less?

1)I didn’t say that. I said it is not the job of those who have money to get them out of their mess. That’s why we have charities and government efforts but by what standard is it acceptable to say that you need to pay for the poor. And if you don’t you get hauled off to jail. it’s a crime not to pay tax.
2)Rich people will have to pay a larger tax percentage than the rest of the country. Bye bye equality. People without the means to pay will not pay, just like they never did pay. The people with the means to pay will have to pay more to compensate. You are right, it should be stopped.
Originally Posted by SLAPPED View Post
You know I could argue with but what would be the point when you obviously have no intention of even considering that someone else might be correct?

I have a completely open mind. Discuss it civilly and with facts to support your arguments and I will consider them. If I truly feel I’m wrong I have no shame in admitting it. I hope I’m wrong. I don’t like the Idea of America being damaged by shameful policies any more than you. So by all means prove me wrong.
Originally Posted by Pirate View Post
First of all, just because he hasn't done 'anything' with nuclear weapons in the middle east doesn't mean he hasn't done anything with nuclear weapons.
1.For example, recently Obama was pursuing a treaty with Russia to reduce the amount of nuclear warheads down to 1,000 on both sides. Tell me how that is doing 'nothing.' The outcome of the proposal is irrelevant, it's not his fault if the other signer refuses to sign, and the fact that he proposed it in the first place means he is '2.doing' something about it.

Secondly, the acting general of US forces in Afghanistan/Iraq/whatever has done a lot to make their people not hate us. Bombing the living shit out of everything including citizens doesn't wor3.k. Point in case: Majority of the last 5 or 6 years. 4.You can't even fight guerrilla warfare effectively, having the citizens in the country die by the thousands (innocently) just gives more numbers to the insurgents.

You really don't know what you're talking about.

1. Contradictory to a previous post that said Obama would totally disarm
2.Wouldnt it be better to do something that worked?
3.You obviously know nothing about the war. The bombs are strategically placed to destroy military targets and minimalise civilian casualties.
4.You truly think that’s guerrilla warfare? Oh please. They are fighting in cities. Not the jungle for fuck sake.
I assure you, I have done my research.
Originally Posted by Blam View Post
1.If not many people need it, why would it cost a trillion dollar loss over 10 years?

If just the losses are a trillion dollars (so it would be costing more but money coming out of taxes lessens the load), 2.think of how much the people who would get the healthcare are having to pay.

3.How can they afford it?

Unless there's something I'm simply not getting here. (I'm just going on what you've said - I'm from England :P)

1.Because the people who couldn’t afford were being treated in public hospitals for free. Now the government is paying for it.
2.They are getting it. It’s not the standard of private healthcare but I assure you nobody is just going to be left for dead by any doctor who took his pledge seriously.
3. They don’t have to now nor did they ever have to pay.
Originally Posted by Dalir View Post
Uh, that link about how Obama alienated Israel?

1.It has 1000 ads for "Sarah Palin's NEW BOOK!" and anti-Obama propaganda ads. You expect anyone to take you seriously?

Their way of writing in the article is to make him seem like a weak jackass (using expressions like "he picked a fight" and that he is merely a "messenger".)

How much do you expect a new president to be able to do by himself? Greedy republicans like you are the exact reason he won't be able to improve your country one bit. I'd expect these kind of posts from a troll, but seeing as you're serious, arguing with you is pointless.

EDIT: Hey cool, did you play that "Defeat Obama and his Allies" game on Power Line yet?
EDIT2: Sorry oracle for the accidental edit on your post, didn't change anything.

1. All it shows is that the people who wrote the article are supporters of the republican party. The facts are still true and therefore it is relevant. So what if it is poorly written? It is still based on facts.

Please don’t make this personal dalir. I’m not looking to make any enemies but you are just looking for a fight with me. I am not getting into that.
Anybody who wants to discuss this civilly I’m open to hear you, but if you are looking to flame somebody then I have better things to do.
Public hospitals are shit. Have you ever been to one? Doubtful. Did you hear about the lady with a perfectly treatable blood clot who died in the waiting room for treatment? How about the fact that she had been waiting for ten hours, and after she began seizing and collapsed on the floor it took doctors another hour and a half to finally admit her? Ten years ago I suffered from a dire medical condition called an aneurysm. Thankfully, my father is a doctor and we have health insurance. So here I am today. This condition never carries symptoms before the blood vessel in your brain bursts and ejects blood like a geyser into the inside of your skull. If you do not recieve treatment in around five to fifteen hours, your dead, or breathing out of a tube for the rest of your life. If I had not been in the lucky situation that I am in, being a privileged American, I would be buried in the ground or communicating through beeps. Think about the people who are slowly dying in a public hospital while they wait for the treatment that could plausibly save their life. You can't define a life in a cash value. With national healthcare, instead of buying that third tennis court that you so desperately need, you could be saving a person's life. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
Also this is a very emotional topic for many people, so don't call bullshit when someone may offend you in their post. Hell, you started it.
Last edited by evets; Oct 12, 2009 at 01:53 AM.
I don't think he's far enough in his presidency to determine whether he will be a good president or not. But the Nobel Peace Prize was not a smart move it's way too premature.
yungmoney has just robbed your bank account for 18 toricredits
Originally Posted by kwygon View Post
1.The procedures are not a privilege. You can easily receive a free necessary treatment and procedure at a public hospital.

If you have no insurance. If your insurance companies decide to deny you coverage because of preexisting conditions (which they do to people every day, because that's how they make a profit), then what are you supposed to do? Oh, wait-

2. Then don’t buy insurance from those companies. Nobody forced them to. There are many companies that are completely reasonable with prices.

Guess what? If you receive coverage from work, you don't get to pick your provider! And don't try to act like there are reasonable companies out there, because you're deluding yourself. They all engage in the same crooked practices because that's how they make a profit. They have to compete, and unfortunately it's more important to them to squeeze as much money as they can out of their customers, because they often can't change providers.

3.It is changing nothing for the middle class. It is only for the extremely poor.

Again, you're only showing how uneducated you are on this issue by claiming this. The problem isn't just affecting the uninsured, but the people who are insured by these companies. My family has been paying outrageous copays for years, all from necessary treatments covered by our insurance. And, believe it or not (most likely not, since even though you claim open-mindedness you seem to rely on the worst sources for your arguments and obviously have no personal experience dealing with these issues), we're not poor! What a shocker! And if you felt like looking around, you'll find thousands of stories much worse than mine, of people being denied treatment for a grotesque array of diseases and conditions due to loopholes!

4. It is a major increase. The second one. And their premiums will be no less. The government will provide free health insurance for the poor.

Have you even bothered to read the proposed bill? The public option made up less than 20% of it. The rest targeted the existing insurance companies and their corrupt ways.

5.The poor may be suffering. But the country as a whole is not. The middle class people are just that. If you can’t afford to keep your house you are fairly poor I would say. That is why they call them the middle class. And they in no way will benefit from this

Do you not understand how many Americans are one paycheck away from losing their homes? I'm sorry, but if you have such a skewed outlook on the world I don't think I'm going to be able to educate you single-handedly. Lord knows it seems you've already received enough from some sort of propaganda machine.

6.Nobody suffers. The country is doing fine. The recession was not caused by health care. It was caused by the stupidity of the money lenders around the world who went bankrupt and led to people losing the money that they invested.

Lol, thanks for the brilliant strawman. I never said the health insurance issue caused the recession, I only brought up that it would be a hell of a way to stimulate the economy if the middle class (I'm trying to get across that they are affected by this) would be paying reasonable premiums rather than the outrageous ones they have now.

7. it’s called a public hospital. A government hospital. They run based on government funds and if you can’t afford to pay, you don’t pay.

Again, only if you're uninsured! All of the free clinics in my state and I suspect any others only serve the uninsured and homeless! Not to mention the extraordinary lack of quality in care there. And if you're suggesting that all Americans struggling to pay for their insurance drop it and go to free clinics, you'd be nuts. The volunteer-only clinics would never be able to serve that many patients, the quality would get even worse. So please, stop relying on that argument. It's obvious you got it from a horrendously biased source.
Need help with anything? Have a question? PM me! I'll try my best to help you.
Originally Posted by kwygon View Post
1)People can stay alive without medical aid. They always do. The hospitals treat them. Have you ever seen a hospital find a dying man on the street and check if he insured first? No, what they do is save their life. Look up the Hippocratic oath.

And without insurance, the hospital will charge them; heavily. The majority of all hospitals aren't these free public hospitals, and those that are public hospitals usually still charge people if their income is above a certain amount. Out of curiosity, I did a search on Google for public hospitals in my city, a large city populated with one million people (consider how many people don't have health insurance out of the average million in America); none came up. There are two free walk-in clinics and those will do no more than prescribe you medication for the sniffles or arrange for procedures at other hospitals. Seeing as these people are already poor, if they're hospitalized in what will likely be a pay-for hospital, not only will they be losing money from not working but they'll have a huge fine racked up because they accidentally got shot or had a heart attack or did something that landed them in the hospital- or maybe they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. If the latter, they don't have the privilege of living, do they? Regardless of the Hippocratic Oath, health care is a business, like it or not. Doctors don't drive around cities in ambulances ready to save anyone they possibly can, they stay inside hospitals and offices and treat whoever can come in and who can afford it.

Originally Posted by kwygon View Post
2)So these people need health insurance. Perfect. Let’s not let the hospitals care for them for FREE and we will completely disregard the fact that they are starving like you said. Very logical.

Whoa, wait, what? Would you please try to be satisfactorily coherent in a debate? I can't really debate against illogical ramblings.

Originally Posted by kwygon View Post
)Your third point makes no sense. They aren’t paying health taxes whatever that is. What they are doing is becoming reliant on the government for health insurance. We are not pampering or doing them any good. It enables them to do whatever they want medically and charge it to medical aid, of which they will now pay now premiums. I preferred the old system. If you needed health care you went to a public hospital and got is. If you couldn’t afford it, you still got it. Now... al that’s happening is that the tax payers have to pay for it.

My point does make sense, you're just very thick. No, the poor aren't paying these taxes. I refer to the taxes you've been raging about, increased taxes for the Upper Middle and Rich classes, which are being used for public health care. Like I explicitly said and explained in that wall of text you quoted, you assumptive, illogical moron. Of course they're not being pampered nor will they be pampered by this, because that's what I said. With the increased taxes, they're simply covered by public hospitals. Tax payers pay for the public hospitals just like they pay for public schools, law enforcement, and fire control. What are you not getting about this? You either didn't fully read my last post or you're just really thick.

Originally Posted by kwygon View Post
4)Very good, let’s all eat marshmallows. It’s their choice whether they want to be good people or not. I work every Sunday raising money for charities. I actually do no matter what you think. It’s my choice. I don’t have to. I don’t have to pay more taxes to give them food. But I want to, and I do. Why be forced by the government.

...what the hell are you talking about? This was a response to "4) It isn't the responsibility for the rich to pay for the poor. It is the responsibility of a human to help another human stay alive." This refers to the fact that the rich, by paying taxes going towards public health care costs, are helping the poor stay alive. What does them being good people or not have to do with it? Or you donating to charities? Jeez, you are extraordinarily thick. Either you're a troll or DestinyPower reincarnate.

Originally Posted by kwygon
5)Tax is not pocket change. You should see the difference in your gross and net salary. Its astronomical.

"Astronomical". Indeed; why don't you take a peek at your tax records and see the % difference between your gross and net salary? Oh wait, that would prove nothing. This is a tax increase. How much were taxes increased by? A few percentage points?

Originally Posted by kwygon
For the record, insulting me doesn’t make you right.

Oh, the irony!

Also, I'm pretty sure you completely didn't read this part of my post.

Originally Posted by Horhorhor look there's a part without bulletpoints
Protip; taxes, as in the increased governmental taxes being imposed on the rich (OH BOO HOO THEY CAN ONLY AFFORD TO WAX THEIR FERRARIS EVERY OTHER DAY NOW INSTEAD OF DAILY) are what pay for public hospitals, just like they pay for public schools, law enforcement, and the fire department. Nobody expects private hospitals to let in poor people for free, but how can public hospitals treat people if the hospital doesn't have enough money? This is why we've got taxes.

Yes, it is a privilege. It's a privilege that people who can afford to pay for Med-Aid aren't incapable of doing so because they're, say, immigrants from war-torn countries (Former Yugoslavia, anyone?) whose education isn't recognized by the OH SO GREAT COUNTRY OF AMERIKAH, or can't get an education and therefore can't get a high-paying job because they can't afford it. All people, however, have the right to health care, and this is typically provided by taxes because FYI, Bill Gates and Oprah cannot pay for every single poor person's health care. Charities have their place, but taxes take a little bit of money from a whole lot of people and in turn are able to provide needed services.

True, none of the rich are running around stabbing the poor because they know the poor won't be able to limp into an ER, but poor people are more less being thrown out into the cold by rich companies just looking to make a profit. "Oh, your little four year old cancer-induced son needs a kidney transplant? I see, and would you be able to come up with $90,000? No? Sorry, why don't you try the soup kitchen down the street?"

How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.