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One commonly used pro-piracy argument is the "downloading it is not affecting their income". Well hellooooooo, did you get an F- in maths on junior high or something? Of course it's affecting their income. The more people downloading, the lesser the income gets. Luckily, you also have (stupid) people that don't know about the wonders of the intertubes, as well as those who actually have the gallancy to support the creators, so most big-name publishers and artists still get a largely satisfactory amount of income. But still, stealing from Bill Gates isn't cool, even though it might be cooler than stealing from some random homeless guy.
Difference, wapthuos, is that he is an Alpha Team member and you only manage to drag your sorry ass around to troll or make crappy threads.
Lol, i'm trolling all you bawww-ing anti-piracy types just by torrenting stuff? That is just too wonderful.
I'm a cheapskate with my media stuff. I don't feel that paying £10 for a DVD or £30 odd for a videogame is worth it. I buy stuff that i really want, like my favorite albums etc., but usually only if they're on the market or reduced in the shop. Why? Because i don't have unlimited cash to throw at Universal or Warner Media Group, for all the films i want to see. I totally support live music, going to the cinema and all that, though, and i'd happily pay damaging amounts of money for that.
When i found out my ticket to see Muse was gonna set me back £80, and realised i'd probs get drunk and shell out £20 for the t-shirt (actual value around £4), i didn't feel that they needed another £10 of my cash when the album came out.
I care about the welfare of people working in the software, music, and film industries, but i care more about my own welfare, and i'm kind of disgusted at them asking for £10 for a cd, hardly any of which is gonna go to the artists and their techs.
everyone thinks that because they steal from a billion dollar corporation its okay. well guess what, if the billion dollar corporation doesn't make a billion dollars then it needs to lay off a few hundred staff, then they lose all their money cos they got no one working and they close down and you get no more movies/games/music. DON'T PIRATE...says the man with a pirate avatar.