Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Zup0 View Post
Usally decaps come last, But its really really good for a first, 9/10

you have been here what 10 days?

For a first Good job. Try not to hold onto him in 2 different places at once, it looks very slow and un skillfull.
also when hitting with your arms dont go stiff arm loosen upand relax and it should be much easier.
Pretty much your whole body needs to be relaxed and smooth it usually helps when doing...well..anything.
- > - > ORMO | 7th dan < - < -
<Muse> hush little kronos, dont you cry, Muse is gonna sing you a lullaby
There's bugging in it, somewhere near the end you accidentally (you're not to do that intentionally) edited out a DM. That happens when you edit a replay at the exact frame of the dismemberment. It messes up the rest of the replay, makes it spazz at the junctions of turns.

For the rest of the replay, good for a first, OK for a madman in general. You forgot your legs there though. It never looks good to have whole limbs unmoved, especially fully contracted, fully extended or held for a long time at a time.

Another common mistake you made was simply slamming uke against you, which is (supposed to be) less effective than active striking, and it looks bad too.

But still, as said, good work for a first.
I refuse to grab.
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