Christmas Lottery

Although i suppose it all can be grouped into "lust for dominance over state of things".
That would fit.
Last edited by Odlov; Oct 15, 2009 at 02:43 AM.
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Oh it is, trust me :P
Via mechanically altering the brain.
Hell, even perception of the world can be altered to something totally different.
It will begin to happen in the next 100-200 years I'm sure.
Right now most people think of it as science fiction, though.

My bad - I assumed you mean suppressing them naturally. You're right here, btw, more like 50 years xd

Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Well if you define power that broadly than pretty much anything anyone ever does is linked to power. Want to eat? That's a lust for dominance over pain brought by the hunger, or lust for dominance over feeling hungry. But it's a stretch, imo.

To a small extent one could see it like that - but the lust for power, in my view, strives for self perfection, not in a physical, but rather a mental sense. In that quest it looks to the outside to reassure the inside. Dominance over others results in an increase of self-confidence for most people - dominance over knowledge results in the same - dominance over life results in the same and in the ability to even start such an activity - dominance over ones hunger does so too, but to a lesser extent. However, hunger is not there because we think of it as a drive for self-confidence, that would be obscure, hunger serves to tell the body "you need to replenish your energy, eat food for that".

Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Or perhaps he has a strong lust for power over his current state (life) and his survival instincts, and would rather be dead, hehe.

That's a common dellusion - religous or otherwise - that being dead will allow you mastery over life - it's one of the things that drive people to suicide.

Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Anyway - now that it's clear your definition of power is rather unusual/broad, i somewhat agree. But it's odd to link everything to power. Would you call a lust for physical pleasure a "lust for power over feeling displeasure"? -- it's awkward. I'd rather keep it separate categories.

Well I like to think of humans as having two drives - the sexual and the lust for power, often the two overlap, since sex also entails in some cases as dominance over the partner.

Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Depends on the quality of said intercourse :P
Usually i can consciously analyze what events make me feel one way or the other.

But your unconscious mind doesn't give you the answers directly - and how do you know your conscious mind just made a mistake? You can say with certain precision with educated guesses, but what if your feelings at that point stem from repressed thoughts?\

@New Odlov's post, too lazy to quote;

Go ahead, knock yourself out, I kind of meant that xd
Last edited by Deprived_OLD; Oct 15, 2009 at 02:45 AM.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
Originally Posted by Deprived View Post
That's a common dellusion - religous or otherwise - that being dead will allow you mastery over life - it's one of the things that drive people to suicide.

Killing yourself would not of course allow you mastery over life - it would allow you mastery over your existence, over not feeling content and at peace. Among other things you would terminate the pain (thus exerting dominance over it, no?) I'm pretty much busting your chops with this example, but it's amusing.

Well I like to think of humans as having two drives - the sexual and the lust for power, often the two overlap, since sex also entails in some cases as dominance over the partner.

And those two, along with any other drives, can be grouped into "lust for control". Lust for control over emotion, well-being, others, and so on. See, now you started me with all this grouping thing....


But your unconscious mind doesn't give you the answers directly - and how do you know your conscious mind just made a mistake? You can say with certain precision with educated guesses, but what if your feelings at that point stem from repressed thoughts?\

Usually i can tell if what I'm feeling is a result of my own personal complex/issue, if i bother to analyze my condition. And by "can tell" i mean give myself a satisfying answer that fits all other data.
Originally Posted by DaJokesta View Post
It's just rude though, picking on people just because they're smart and a very intelligent person.

But it's natural and life affirming for the bully. It also gradually pushes the victims towards trying to find a solution to the problem - you can't repress the bullying forever, and they will be driven to find a why to stop it, so technically, it's mutually good for both parties in the long run. I quote Nietzsche;

"What doesn't kill me makes me stronger."


Killing yourself would not of course allow you mastery over life - it would allow you mastery over your existence, over not feeling content and at peace. Among other things you would terminate the pain (thus exerting dominance over it, no?) I'm pretty much busting your chops with this example, but it's amusing.

lol alright I'll play along

Terminating pain != dominance over it, termanating the oppisote of content and peacefulness will not generate content and peacefulness, because in death it's impossible to generate those feelings.

And those two, along with any other drives, can be grouped into "lust for control". Lust for control over emotion, well-being, others, and so on. See, now you started me with all this grouping thing....


then let me be the first to say, welcome to psychology!

btw that's a much better phrase for what I mean when I say "will to power", thanks, mind if I steal "lust for power" xd?

Usually i can tell if what I'm feeling is a result of my own personal complex/issue, if i bother to analyze my condition. And by "can tell" i mean give myself a satisfying answer that fits all other data.

Repressed thoughts don't commonly appear to oneself when considering all of the data - and you'll have then by the tons when you're in your teenage years, let alone as an adult. How do you know if one of these thoughts wasn't decisive in the way you acted? But okay, you can make a good guess if you know yourself well enough and dwell over it for a while.
Last edited by Deprived_OLD; Oct 15, 2009 at 03:16 AM.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
nerds and geeks are epic lame! Im a jock and i play tennis and i get pew pewed all the time. Pew pew n00bcaek
ex Ldr[HoLy]iceman21...
...we have come.....
Originally Posted by Deprived View Post
Terminating pain != dominance over it, termanating the oppisote of content and peacefulness will not generate content and peacefulness, because in death it's impossible to generate those feelings.

How so? Bob has a cancerous brain tumor which causes him severe pain all the time. Bob has decided to do whatever he can to change his state from being in agony. Bob takes the only available solution and shoots himself.

Now, you could view this as succumbing to the pain, OR you could view this as exerting dominance over life-driving instincts and terminating undesired condition. And while "being at peace" may not apply to someone who is dead (since there is no ego to "be at peace" then) same goes for feeling of pain. Bob did achieve his goal, albeit by sacrificing his being.

There are many ways to look at stuff like that.

Repressed thoughts don't commonly appear to oneself when considering all of the data - and you'll have then by the tons when you're in your teenage years, let alone as an adult. How do you know if one of these thoughts wasn't decisive in the way you acted? But okay, you can make a good guess if you know yourself well enough and dwell over it for a while.

This reminds me of determinism discussion :P
Anyhow, i can usually satisfy my own inquiry, whether it be 'correct' or not.
But i know what you mean.
Hm, tbh ive never been really affected by the sterotype, because I never studied a lot.

I was more of a 'casual' person. Casual gamer, casual to school, casual in social life etc.

People would ask me for help and stuff at school, but they knew I wasn't good to copy off because the chances are im just making it up as I go along, trying to figure out what is going on.

a good example is these 'extended pieces of work' that we had, which is like something outside the syllabus that you are supposed to learn. They give you a sheet of questions, then you work through it like a tutorial and when your done you can do that stuff. Then there is a test etc.
Most people would do it as above, but I never did the questions, so i was just figure it out as I went along, so no one would dare copy, because I would probably go back over the test 4 times during the time as i fixed things up.
i used to tell people that I considered it cheating to do the pre-test work, but tbh I was too lazy to do it.

lazy smart people dont get teased, because it just doesnt fit.
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
The way smart people are treated in school may have to do with the fact that their tormentors know that they have a better chance of getting somewhere in life.
yungmoney has just robbed your bank account for 18 toricredits
I say that it is due to the fact that the ignorant,stupid,"cool poeple" don't understand the words that come out of smart peoples mouthes and so in return they torture them to the point that they reduce themselves to the level of the "cool" people and are in return are repayed with a minute
(my nute) increase in popularity and since that barely works they seek more popularity and use their skills to get the "cool" kids an A in all the classes they have together and once the smart people are deserted husks of the pround intelligent individuals they once were the "cool" people seek out a new victim, it is the reason ignorance is the main population of america and since the intelligence is no longer recognized at an early age then moved to a more advanced school of "nerds""geeks" they are picked on for the entire 6,7,8,9 years of school and in some cases commit suicide to escape the hell that is created in these situations.