I just saw...They aren't.
However, I know how much we wanted allies who were official when we weren't, so lets just leave it.
well, i guess thats it.....
crazygreek has left MFR, to beep
im sure we will all miss him
now, this IS the time
we NEED to fix our inactiveness
or we will end up like DR
cmon guys, we have already lost 1
HUGELY valued member
so lets not lose another one
lol, valued member? you mean leader?

Fortunately, he has decided to stay, so we need to be more active.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
exactly we only have a few ppl thats active we dont wanna be like DR they havent posted for weeks and they died slowly
Originally Posted by soki123 View Post
exactly we only have a few ppl thats active we dont wanna be like DR they havent posted for weeks and they died slowly

not quite.

it died because people would not stop spamming.

Chris rebel tried his best but dispite his efforts, people would not stop.
so, after people got there post count through the roof, they left.
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Wait, what's DR stand for? I think I heard of the clan, I'm not sure though
CRASH3R - Perfectly imperfect. [UFC] It's a long road to glory.
CrazyGreek has left MFR??


This is turning out like my last clan i was in!!!!!
Nusquam est verus. Panton est licitus - "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted" Epic Sig Pic
I am still here lol
I decided to stay.
DR stands for Death Reapers. It was the best clan in all of Toribash perhaps in it's glory days (9.1.2008-2.1.2009)
After the Dark era with ladyDEATH and blkk...with me, Chris, and sidieldani leading it.
It was amazing...I will never forget my first clan...