Hello, my name is Rustler, I'm currently a blue belt, about 150 games until my brown belt. I enjoy Jousting and Judo(Even though I'm no good at it.)and playing custom mods with my friends.
I've applied with a couple other clans but, as you see, no dice. I win about 50% of my games. In my free time, I'll play the kicker mod, which is very fun.
I'm active on the fourms, I just dont post alot. This clan looks like it will go far, and I hope it does, that is...if the application even goes through.

Rustler, all the voting has come in and despite your amazingly slim odds, your application has been denied. In the end it all came down to the font you used and your statistics, you might want to raise your skill level more perhaps and definitely change your font.

As for the other two, the discussion making is still on going so hang in there.
Last edited by jumpysnake; Oct 18, 2009 at 11:27 AM.
Well now Exie, here's a late welcome to the clan. As for you Sunny, discussions are still currently underway, you will get your response within 24 hours of this post.
Originally Posted by jumpysnake View Post
As for you Sunny, discussions are still currently underway, you will get your response within 24 hours of this post.

I'll be looking forward to it.