Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Metrox View Post
Yes, they do. I see my mistake there, i guess you thought I was talking about snipers? I am talking about just normal pistols.

Originally Posted by Noxid View Post
i read ur damb thread, and explained, if u hit someone in the right spot ull kill em, mabe u just suck with a sniper

Noxid, you FAIL.
[T] ~~~~~> [Tigma] <~~~~~ [Sigma]
You should totally join my fanclub.
HiVoltage, you're no better for stating the obvious. Noxid, this isn't about snipers so stop talking about them. Admit defeat dude, you were wrong.

So, I'm still having troubles and I still haven't got any replies related to my modem.
the game is just unrealistic.
iirc you can throw a grenade at them and still it wont work. and I dont think pistols will do any more use.
<Catguy19.0> "Quote me."
Whenever I shoot people in the face in GTA4 with a pistol, they stay down. I don't know what's up when you do it but people never get up after a headshot of any kind with me.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Originally Posted by Chac View Post
headshots do double damage in gta. try crouch-strafing + head aiming, the kills were literally piling up in my online matches

p.s it probably won't work if your internet is so horrible it can't even register headshots

He's Right that's what i do and it works.
You should try what he said first and see what happens
Olda | Clan [Element] | Black Belt
Does it really matter? It's a good game. It's not a big deal if it has one problem.
yungmoney has just robbed your bank account for 18 toricredits
Originally Posted by footside View Post
Does it really matter? It's a good game. It's not a big deal if it has one problem.

That's like saying someone is perfectly fine if they have no brain, it's just one wee problem why wouldn't they be fine, right?

Some people...

Anyway, thanks for that advice Chac, I might take my Xbox to my mates place and try his internet.