Thanks for applying Dreamy, I'll get to the others to discuss you. ;)
[Ele] Leader | [Bleu] Supervisor | Artists' Co-op
Originally Posted by Baytch View Post
hey guys, we just thought you should know that you aren't the first clan Velocity has attacked today. Our DSC got invaded by them and they had much the same BS to say to us "Blah blah, you insulted us, blah blah, clan war, blah blah..." We think they just want to make war with as many people as possible.

Yes, Velocity is a dying clan and I think that they were just trying to start clan wars to create interest.

Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it.

Good luck with the clan guys.
And after a not intense discussion >.>, we all came to the conclusion that you are in Dreamy. =3 Welcome to Aether. =D
[Ele] Leader | [Bleu] Supervisor | Artists' Co-op
Welcome to Ęther DreamEater, I hope that you enjoy your stay and have a pleasant time. Remember now, always use good grammar.
Originally Posted by jumpysnake View Post
Greetings Raid, our clan Ęther would like to request an alliance.

~ Jumpysnake, Co-leader of Ęther.

We have decided to accept your alliance. ;]
i would like to join here is my application:
I am a brown belt with 602 QI. I am strategical and easygoing,I like twinsword and aikido. I am mbitious and will not mind if u wish to test me ingame, for i do not know how to post my replays. I do not have that much TC but i earn quickly because i have accomplished skills. I am a team player and I am respectful to clan members, our clan name, and even other clans. That is pretty much it. I hope you recruit me.

is anyone here to c app?
Last edited by hihihihih; Oct 26, 2009 at 03:37 AM.