Christmas Lottery
Original Post
buying textures items!!
i want right thigh, or both hands!!

btw i need left bicep.. Offer!!

right thigh 15k <btw that's all i have
both hands 15k D: or offer i dunno
left bicep hum.. offer
Last edited by Supernada; Oct 29, 2009 at 12:09 AM.
I got a Right Foot Texture.

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lol, lowest in dealfinder is 15K, but thats the price at the store, so I'll give it up for, hm, 13K
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

7.5k and you've got a deal.
This sentence is a lie. This sentence is not true. This sentence is divisible by zero. This sentence is eatable.
2009-10-26 07:10:33 To - supernada 0 Right Foot Texture
This sentence is a lie. This sentence is not true. This sentence is divisible by zero. This sentence is eatable.