Christmas Lottery
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BirdFlu's TC shop - The best promo deals on the market!
Last edited by BirdFlu; Nov 1, 2009 at 07:35 PM.
Quit, probably.
What? I haven't copied your shop novi, I've just used the items in my inventory to construct deals. What part of my shop is similar to yours?
Quit, probably.
Originally Posted by BirdFlu View Post
What? I haven't copied your shop novi, I've just used the items in my inventory to construct deals. What part of my shop is similar to yours?

I didn't say you copied my shop... I said it looked familiar... could be ANYONE'S shop that looked familiar... But you immediately associated with copying mine. Odd. Also, what looks similar? Your pricing example, your 1-time promos, followed up by a 'create your own promo' deal... no one has had an a la carte promo deal until I put one in my shop. ESPECIALLY not one that follows my formula (Promos for any items at or close to the value of the purchased TC).

It's not illegal, so there's nothing that you have to worry about (plus, you get a free bump from me each time I post), but it's pretty obvious where your source layout came from, imo.

I'll stop bothering you. GL with your sale. ;)
Really nice shop display Novi :O i meant Birdflu

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